Author: Contributing Writer

The Liberian National Police has gone through some very difficult times over the years before and after the civil war. I wish to address policing in general in our Liberia. I would also address policing in the rest of Africa but first, let’s take care of our home. What about policing in Liberia? How do we change the narrative? We cry out for justice – we call upon the police to help us solve crimes committed against us. We cry and call out for the police to come in and settle disputes. We expect the police to perform at their…

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The Editor, Free and fair elections are the foundation of all forms of democracy. In representative democracies, elections are the tools that citizens must use to practically hold political parties, candidates, and the incumbent governments accountable for their promises and performance. Even though there are legal or constitutional grounds for monitoring or requiring politicians to meet electoral promises, Liberians are yet to grasp this concept for full utilization due to inadequate awareness and empowering structures. For this reason, elections are the only concrete avenues that citizens must use to reward or punish candidates based on their integrity and performance. Despite…

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The Editor, A drink Covid-Organics made from Artemisi Annua, an herb from Madagascar, is gaining traction across the African continent as a cure and a preventative dietary supplement for the Covid-19 disease, despite warnings from both the WHO and the African Union (AU). Both organizations claim that there is no evidentiary science or data from Madagascar to prove that the drink prevents or cures the virus. But that hasn’t stopped President Andy Rajoelina from announcing to the world his newfound elixir, and of course, pallets of the drinks were sent to fellow African leaders, including President Weah, who took delivery…

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The Editor, I say it again: Buyers beware of the purported Corona “cure” that has Africa on edge but has not been medically and scientifically tested and is now being delivered via chartered planes to select or gullible African capitals, most of them in the West Africa ECOWAS zone.If you carefully look at the video and photos of the “mailman” or messenger who delivered this unproven Corona “cure” to Liberian President George Manneh Weah at Liberia’s Roberts International Airport early this week, strangely, the messenger himself wore Corona face mask and hand gloves. If the cure works, then why would…

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The Editor, I think the government should please allow passenger flights in the country so others who are not citizens of Liberia can be able to leave the country. We can’t be locked down as well why we are not benefitting from the Liberian government. We need to go home to our families. Airlines are planning to resume starting June 1, 2020.  But most airlines are saying they will only come for passengers when the restrictions place on the airports are relaxed or lift up. Some of us need to go, our government are not willing to get us out…

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