MONROVIA – The Dean of the Trinity Cathedral, James B. Sellee, has been elected Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Church of Liberia.
Rev. Father Sellee on elected on Saturday with 183 votes (74.7%) in an elected also contested by Rev. Father Herman Browne and Rev. Cannon. Michael Tuan Sie.
The voting had to go three rounds, because Dean Sellee failed twice to obtain the 2/3 votes required by the canon of the Church of the Providence of West Africa.
The Rt. Rev. Wilson bishop of Sierra Leone presided over the convention along with Cllr. Sewer Cooper, the chancellor of the diocese. Cllr. Cyril Jones and Associate Justice Jamesetta Wolokollie presided over the election.
The special convention occurred because the bishop of the diocese and Archbishop of the Church of the Providence of West Africa – the most Rev. Jonathan BB Hart is ill and turns 70 next year (the age of retirement).