Monrovia: An international Nursing organization with recognized good global repute, Sigma Theta Tau International, has been launched in Liberia, and is recruiting professional nurses as part of improving the nursing profession in the Country.
By Varflay Kamara, Contributing Writer
Sigma Theta Tau International was funded in 1922 by six nurses who acronymized it “Stima”. The founders chose the name from the Greek words storgé, tharsos, and timé, meaning love, courage, and honor.
The mission of Sigma is to develop nurse leaders anywhere to improve healthcare everywhere with a vision of connected, empowered nurse leaders transforming global healthcare.
Recently, the organization inducted fourteen (14) Liberian nurses with long history of professionalism and dedication in the nursing profession.
Those inducted include Faith Alma Tubman, M.Ed, BSN,RN, Satta Lauraine Sana, MPH, BSN, RN, Philimena Peanick Junius,MPH(candidate), BSN, RN, Violette W.N. Genegbanyan,MPH, BSN, RN, Willimai Weetol-Geninyan, MPH, BSN, RN, Koboi Sirmanlee, MPH(candidate), BSN, RN, Charles Jarsor, BSN, RN and G. Clinton Zeantoe, MSN, BSN, RN.
Other new members inducted are Ciagina Doe, BSN, RN, Tannie Esther Nmah, MSN, BSN, RN, Suah Campbell, BSN, RN, OPN, Tryphene T. Johnson, BSN, RN, Stephen Wortejieh Picka, BSN, RN, CAMHC and Benjamin Suamey, ASN, RN, BSN, MNE, MAT.
According to a release, Sigma has recognized the value of scholarship and excellence in nursing practice across the world. In 1936, Sigma became the first US organization to fund nursing research.
Today, the organization supports those values through its numerous professional development products and services that focus on the core areas of education, leadership, career development, evidence-based nursing, research, and scholarship.
These products and services advance the learning and professional development of members and all nurses who strive to improve the health of the world’s people.
Following their induction, the nurses thanked Dr. Korto Louise Scott, a Liberian professor in the United States who is also senior member of Stigma for linking Dr.
Wanda Scott, President of Stigma to Liberian nurses desirous of forming part of the organization.
For her part, Dr. Korto Louise Scott encouraged more Liberian nurses to join stigma International for onward establishment of a chapter in the future.