Monrovia – The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Emmanuel Nuquay, has termed as deceptive recent pronouncement by some members of Legislature including James Biney, that certain provisions of the New Oil Law were altered before it was printed into handbills.
Report by Henry Karmo – [email protected]
At the close of the month-long special session, the Speaker told reporters during a press conference, that his colleagues who raised the red flag have not provided any evidence to substantiate their claim.
“James Biney is a good friend of mine, one who I have a lot of respect for as an experienced lawmaker, but it is unfair for them to claim something and fail to provide documentary evidence to the changes they are alleging,” Speaker Nuquay said.
Six lawmakers including Representatives James Biney and Bhofal Chambers (NPP-District#1 and CDC – #2 Maryland County respectively); Representatives Acarous Gray and Abraham Corneh (CDC – District #8, District #14 Montserrado County respectively); Representative Moses Kollie (UP – District #6, Lofa County); and Representative Adam Bill Corneh (District #6, Bong County).
Among many things Biney said, he noticed some discrepancies under Articles 27, 36 and 43 of the printed Oil Law.
He said Article 27 as passed by the Legislature clearly provides that the Government of Liberia owns the gas and not the oil companies that will be drilling with contracts in Liberia similar to that of Ghana.
Rep. Biney also claimed in the printed version does not state that the gas belong to government.
Meanwhile, Speaker Nuquay has committed the Legislature to working delicately in implementing its constitutional responsibilities of lawmaking, oversight and representation.
He said of the 19 bills presented to them by the Executive, House of Representatives passed 12 in the one month period. According to him, some of the bills were not new laws as they have been in committee rooms for long period.
Bills submitted by the President includes; An Act for the establishment of the Gola National Park, Ratifying the Concession Agreement between the Republic of Liberia and Liberia Cocoa, Bill to establish the Liberia rubber fund, the bill to establish the national health institute of Liberia, Mineral Development Agreement with Hummingbird resources and amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia.
Other bills include an act to ratify the investment incentive agreement between the republic of Liberia and Sethi ferrofabrik Incorporated, a bill for an act adopting the securities and exchange commission of Liberia 2016, an act adopting the central securities depositories of Liberia 2016 and Act to amend the investment code of 2010 adding thereto terminologies to section 2 and the Liberia Tax Amendments Act of 2016, amending the Liberia revenue code amongst others.
Among the 19 he said, bills passed include; Sethi ferrofabrik incorporated, bill for an act adopting the securities and exchange commission of Liberia 2016, an act adopting the central securities depositories of Liberia 2016, and Act to amend the investment code of 2010 adding thereto terminologies to section 2 and the Liberia Tax Amendments Act of 2016, amending the Liberia revenue code, amongst others.