CAPITOL HILL, Monrovia – Less than two weeks into their first quarterly break, President Joseph Boakai has officially summoned members of the 55th Legislature to convene a special session lasting 30 days.
By Gerald C. Koinyeneh and Blamo N. Toe
In his communication the the 55th Legislature through House Speaker J. Fonati Koffa and Senate Pro Tempore Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, President Boakai cited constitutional requirements for recalling the Legislature to address “time-bound” critical national matters.
“We acknowledge your first adjournment (First Constituency visit/break, which by law started on the Third Friday of March, same being the 15th instant and will end on Second Friday in May, same being the 10th instant of each year). However. there are time-bound critical national issues which must be resolved as a matter of urgency. They are so critical that they cannot wait the return of the Legislature in May,” said the President.
The issues at hand include, among others, securing a financing agreement for the Rural Economic Transformation Project between Liberia and the International Development Association. This agreement, President Boakai noted, aims to provide non-concessional financing to enhance productivity and market access for smallholder farmers and Agri-enterprises in project-participating counties.
Additionally, the passage of the National Budget for FY-2024 and pending nominations for key government positions within the targeted 100 days deliverables are critical matters requiring immediate attention.
Although lawmakers are currently on their first constituency break and scheduled to return in May, President Boakai invoked Article 32 (b) to extend the session, which state: “The President shall, on his own initiative or upon receipt of a certificate signed by at least one fourth of the total membership of each House, and by proclamation, extend a regular session of the Legislature beyond the date for adjournment or call a Special or extraordinary session of the body to discuss or act upon matters of national emergency and concern. When the extension or call is at the request of the Legislature, the proclamation shall be issued not later than forty-eight hours after receipt of the certificate by the President.”
The imminent return of lawmakers during their break was anticipated, especially with the submission of the draft 2024 national budget by the Executive through the Ministry of Finance. President Boakai seeks swift legislative action on the budget to ensure the successful implementation of his 100-day agenda. Furthermore, with ongoing government formation, Senate confirmation of nominees remains a priority for the President.