MONROVIA – The National Elections Commission (NEC) on Wednesday certificated five winners of the just ended December 8, Special Senatorial Elections in Liberia. The certification is in keeping with the election regulations.
Four of the five winners certificated are from the opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) with one from the People Unification Party (PUP). Those certificated are Prince Kermue Moye of Bong County, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence Grand Bassa County, Abraham Darius Dillon Montserrado County and Jonathan Boycharles Sogbie of River Gee County. Emmanuel Nuquay of the People Unification Party (PUP) was also certificated as winner of Margibi County Senatorial Elections.
Madam Davidetta Browne Lansanah, chairperson of the Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission (NEC) said, the NEC only certificated five winners because the Commission is still hearing complaints of post elections dispute for the other nine counties with a planned rerun in certain part of Gbarpolu County expected to be held today, January 7, 2021.
“Though the Commission has announced winner for the remaining 10 counties, those winners could not be certificated until complaints filed against the process in those places are fully disposed of which is in line with the decision of the Supreme Court of Liberia in the case CDC Versus NEC 2015,” she said.
She assured Liberians that as soon as cases are adjudicated and disposed of, winners will be certificated without delay. She expressed on behalf of the NEC “utter dismay” on incidents of electoral violence which occurred in Gbarpolu, Grand Cape Mount and Sinoe Counties and empathized with those affected including staff of the NEC.
The NEC chairperson called on authorities to take the necessary actions against perpetrators of electoral violence and promised to support the relevance authorities in these investigation because the Commission staff, magisterial offices and assets including electoral materials and vehicles were damaged and harmed.
Senator Dillon remarks on behalf of winners
Making remarks on behalf of the winners of the December 8, 2021 elections, Senator Abraham Darius Dillon of Montserrado County promised Liberians of what he called “interesting times ahead” and that Senate either will no longer be the same or will continue to kill the hopes of the country.
“We are going with renew vigor, renew energy allowing God to order our steps so that we can fight for our country and our people. We are not going to be obstructionists of progress but we will stand for proper check and balance. We will support the administration’s agenda that are constructive and positive for the people.
“We will serve as check point, once it is for common good we will support it if it’s against the national interest we will stand up to it. We are not the ‘will and pleasure; officials of the executive branch of government but of the people.” He assured the public that lawmakers under the CPP and those looking to work with the CPP in the Senate will declare and publish their assets before taking offices which, according to him, is the beginning of the fight for transparency, accountability in public offices.
Changing Saul to Paul
Dillon believes that it is only Liberians who can change Liberia for the better and it is time to work to ensure that “Saul is transformed to Paul”.
“Saul will either turn to Paul by force or persuasion, or personal volition but we should allow Saul to change to Paul for a better Liberia.”