CAPITAL HILL, Monrovia – The fallout from the disastrous and controversial pension bill continues on Capitol Hill days after the House unanimously rejected and returned it to the Liberian Senate where it emanated.
In the wake of the House’s action, Rep. Frank Saah Foko (CDC, District #9, Montserrado County) questioned the integrity of the opposition Senator Abraham Darius Dillon he accused of crafting what he called the “evil pension bill.”
Last week, the House of Representatives voted unanimously to ‘reject and return’ the senate’s bill calling for 50% benefits of salaries to some members of the three branches of Government.
The bill titled “an act adopting an integrated pensions and benefits scheme for certain categories of officials of the government of the republic of Liberia and to repeal and or amend certain portions of title 26, Legislative Act, Title 12, Executive Law and Title 17, Judiciary (1972) and the 2003 act which amends these laws”, for the three branches of government, seeks to allot 50% benefits to retired lawmakers, the president and Vice President, Justices as well as circuit courts judges. It also indicates that the President will maintain 75% of his staff and assigned security detail following retirement.
In a communication to the House through Speaker Bhofal Chambers, Rep. Foko congratulated the House for rejecting the bill, saying it was saddening that amid the hike in school fees by private institutions and the economic woes left behind as a result of COVID-19 and the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict, such bill is being crafted to for the benefits of lawmakers and other government officials at the expense of the citizens.
Aiming Jibes at Dillon
Throwing a thread of jibes at Senator Dillon and the opposition Senators, Rep. Foko said “he can’t fathom how the Senate, where some profess themselves as light, will sign onto a document that gives them a pension that goes as far as their unborn children.”
Writing further, he said “I am neither surprised about the hypocrisy of this so-called LIGHT nor baffle about a man who held accountable Darlington Karnely for airport MD based on his credentials but had his friend Israel Arkinsaya confirmed at the LTA with mere or no high school paper. Though we can’t question the will of the people but those who brought these fake lights on us, now see what you have done!”
He said, for a little over two years, the so-called light has received US$30,000 for “constituency visits”, lied about his ticket of flying business class, and got US$40,000 cars after condemning others prior to becoming a Senator.
In his communication, he stated there was a need to inform all Liberians that the bill did not emanate from the Executive or the ruling CDC; rather it came from the hands of the majority opposition Senators.
He said it was ironical for Dillon and the opposition Senators who are constantly criticizing the government on “frivolous issues” to be the ones designing plans to continue milking the system.
He named Senators Abraham Darius Dillon- Montserrado, Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence of Grand Bassa, Steve Zargo-Lofa and Varney Sherman of Grand Cape Mount as leading figures behind the creation of the controversial bill.
Asking series of rhetorical questions, he said “Are these not the people who believe the country isn’t going anywhere except they come to power? Are these not people who say the country has failed under President George Weah? Are these not the hypocrites who say Liberia and Liberians deserve better? Are these not the people who claim that the economy is in the toilet? How come they want a pension for their lifetime which will eventually increase the wage bill of the country?”
He warned if lawmakers continue to pay themselves handsomely, government will be unable to make meaningful appropriations for health, education, water and sanitation, youth development, or infrastructural development.
“We believe that any retirement benefits we, as Lawmakers or any other Government official get must be earned and accrued in conformity with the NACCSORP ACT set aside to dignify life after a distinguished job in the public sphere.”
He called on the leadership of the House of Representatives to clearly inform the public about its rejection and state the reasons behind its decision and bring sanctity to that august body.
“Our people look up to us to better their lives, not ourselves. Even if the majority succeeds, we are very optimistic that the President, His Excellency George Weah we know, and his love for all Liberians, will veto that wicked bill.”
“We are on an irreversible path with this country and the people can be assured we won’t join these hypocrites calling themselves politicians whose true intent is to continue to milk the state at the detriment of the poor people.”