MONROVIA – The French Ambassador accredited near Monrovia, H.E. Mr. Michael Roux has commended Liberia’s Foreign Minister H.E. Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., for the form and manner the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under his leadership, stating that services have improve service the ministry is providing to the Liberian people.
Speaking during a reception hosted in honor of the Members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps recently at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Roux said the reform process at the ministry is well on course and would like to congratulate Minister Kemayah for the level of reform so far at the ministry.
Ambassador Roux said the international partners recognized the role played by Foreign Minister Kemayah in international peace and security, noting that the Republic of Liberia currently plays an important role to restore peace, security, stability, democracy under United Nations Charter.
Ambassador Roux said members of the diplomatic corps will work with government of Liberia to maintain the peace and look forward to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Comprehensive Peace Accord (PCA).
An insider who spoke to this paper said some of the many noticeable achievements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia, Amb. Kemayah includes but is not limited to the following, the arrangements and setting up of Passport Application Centers around the world to provide passport acquisition services; including the passports to Liberians in places where there is no diplomatic or consular representation of the Government of Liberia, Pretoria, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya; Melbourne, Australia; Minnesota, United States of America; Chicago, United States of America, New Delhi, India and Canada.
The insider furthered disclosed that the formal launching ceremony for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia Passport Application Centers is scheduled for Tuesday, August 2, 2022.
The diplomatic source said the Minister of Foreign Affairs issued a circular to all of Liberia’s Foreign Missions/Embassies/Consulates; directing that effective July 1, 2021; all revenue generated/collected on behalf of the Government of Liberia must be remitted to the Government of Liberia Consolidated Account at the Central Bank of Liberia; in compliance with the Financial Management Law of the Republic of Liberia. The Minister’s excellent financial stewardship contributed to the great performance of the Ministry by exceeding revenue projections and realizing an increment in revenue collections from Passports, visas, and other consular services over the Fiscal Year – from July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021; Special Budget – July 1 – December 31, 2021; and January 1 – December 31, 2022.
The source said the Minister developed and placed in a gazette Regulations requiring all payments of fees for the issuance of Apostilles, Articles of Incorporation (i.e. Blue Jacket) and laissez passers to be made to the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), and present flag receipts to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to access the desired services.
“Through the World Bank – Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP), we have transitioned the Ministry’s Personnel Records from manual filing system (paper filing) to Digital Records Management System, DRMS (Electronic Filing System) and replaced Manual Sign-In and Sign-Out Ledgers with Digital Clock-In Devices. The Ministry secured the total of US$240, 000.00 under this program after meeting all the benchmarks set by the World Bank, which enabled us to procure 42 Desktop Computers, 11 Laptops, and currently providing full internet service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Employees’ Digital Records Management System will provide easy access to employees’ information and its proper management in real time.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has surpassed its projected budgetary contribution to the National Budget 2022. The Ministry which was initially expected to bring in about US$4,609,534.09 contributed a total of US$609,534.90 to the National Budget.
The disclosure was made and confirmed by the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) during the budget defense hearing at the Legislature before the Joint Committee on Ways, Means, Finance, Budget & Development Planning, and Public Accounts & Expenditure.
The increment which represents 15.24 percent is the first of its kind in 10 years.
The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning along with the Liberia Revenue Authority during the Budget Preparation for Fiscal Year 2022 initially put the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Revenue Projection at US$3,500,000.00, but after the Ministry Revenue defense with the House’s Committee on Public Accounts, Expenditures and Audits for a legislative hearing the Ministry Revenue projection was further increased to US$4,000,000.00.
During the execution of the National Budget for Fiscal Year 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs collected the amount of US$4,609,534.09 from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
According to the Ministry, the increment is a result of several reforms Instituted by Foreign Minister Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, who has strengthened internal control systems at the Ministry. Therefore, rather than the projected contribution of US$4,000,000.00, the Ministry was able to raise up to US$4,609,534.09; thereby exceeding the projected contribution to the National Budget by US$609, 534.09 for the 2022 Fiscal Year.