Monrovia – Former House Speaker J. Alex Tyler has admonished graduates of the recently held commencement Convocation of the DUJAR Technical College in Barnesville to aspire for greatness through successful journeys. DUJAR College awarded associate degrees to 65 students in four disciplines — Nursing, Agriculture, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering.
Report by Lisa T. Diasay, Contributor
At a jammed-pack auditorium where parents and guardians had gone to celebrate their children for attaining academic excellence, Mr. Tyler, who is an economist, stressed the need for young people to set priorities and ensure their dreams become realities.
Speaking further on the topic, “The Difference between Success and Greatness”, Mr. Tyler indicated that not all successful people are great, noting that greed and selfish aims overshadow their impact, as such it is important to strive for greatness. “This ceremony ends today and real life begins tomorrow. Outside these walls lays challenges that you must overcome and they only come with your preparedness to accomplish great things and greatness comes with wealth in character, respect for humanity and service to country, etc.”
He mentioned that Liberia as a country needs great people to foster change and maintain peace throughout the country; adding that the younger generation must ensure that generations to come enjoy the Liberia they want.
“Liberia can only be great again if we revisit our attitudes and decisions towards critical national issues which will enhance growth and development of our country. Liberia needs you to be that change,” Tyler noted.
He cautioned young people to stay away from the called June 7 protest and encouraged the Council of Patriots calling for the protest to continue to dialogue for the betterment of the country.
“Dialogue is the only way we must channel our grievances about issues that affect us, if we get into the streets it has the propensity to cause chaos”.
“I see a new Liberia under the Weah-led administration where social opportunities will be provided, the protection of civil rights, booming of the economy, and most of all a developed Liberia where you can live and achieve your dreams through greatness”, he ended.
Speaking earlier, the DUJAR Technical College president, Rev. Nathan Mahteh, mentioned that the school currently faces several challenges ranging from acquiring equipment for the laboratories, lack of support to teachers training program and the untimely withdrawal of support from the Swedish Government (SIDA).
Rev. Mahteh noted that in order to ensure the smooth operation of the college, there is a need for adequate support from all. He, however, called on the Ministry of Education to sponsor the teachers’ training program at the college and other local and international partners to contribute to the institution’s advancement.
“We are producing future leaders here but we lack the support at all level and we need international and local partners support.”
During the graduation ceremony, the institution recognized 10 students from General Nursing and Agriculture Departments with distinction for their high level of performance during the period of their studies which accumulated to Cum-laude at stipulated grade points.
DUJAR Technical College President, in the midst of challenges, disclosed plans for the introduction of additional degrees granting courses including Laboratory Technician and Criminal Justice among others.
The college currently offers six associate degrees granting courses to student including Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, General Nursing, Professional Midwifery and Teachers training.
DUJAR came into existence through Legislation in 2005 and was accredited by the National Commission on Higher Education in 2011, at which it was formally open to the public on May 9, 2011. Students’ enrollment at the institution has grown over the period from 119 to 253 at the moment, with a current workforce of trained administrators and professors of 87.