Monrovia – Mineke Foundation and Bishop Grimley High school are starting a pilot to teach students basic computer and internet skills.
The high school is eager to have computer lessons in their curriculum for all of their students. But the school does not have the means to open their own computer lab. Mineke Foundation launched a computer training lab last year and wants to extend her courses to cater to high school students. Sixteen students started their computer training this month.
Training content
Mineke Foundation provides computer training classes with focus on basic computer skills such as the MS Office Suite, and the use of e-mail and internet.
The training will also address online privacy and safety issues. Mineke Foundation also works directly with teachers at Bishop Grimley to design practical exercises and tests for the students. For example, we design maths problems that the students need to solve by using the skills they acquired in MS Excel. Students who successfully complete the course will be computer literate.
This creates multiple opportunities for students as digital skills allow them to learn additional skills online, as well as improve their position on the labour market. It also makes it possible for them to start small business ventures, like providing IT-services to clients and typing letters and CVs.
After 3 months Mineke Foundation and Bishop Grimley will evaluate the pilot. Based on the evaluation, Mineke Foundation will further tailor her computer training curriculum to better serve the needs of high school students.
Benefits of computer literacy
According to the United Nations Global indicators, internet penetration in Liberia is currently 10% and only 5-7% of the population has access to a computer. At the same time, most jobs require applicants to have computer skills. Access to computer training provides participants opportunities to improve their skills and position in the labour market. Mineke Foundation is currently working on expanding the range of computer training courses. Our next step is a computer training curriculum for teachers and school administrators which we expect to launch in the coming school year.
About Mineke Foundation
Mineke Foundation was established in 2009 by Tonia Dabwe to continue the work of her Liberian father and Dutch mother in Liberia. Tonia’s mother has been missing since the Liberian civil war. The Foundation provides educational activities for children, youth and adults and encourages entrepreneurship. The basic philosophy of Mineke Foundation is that people are responsible for their own lives. The Foundation helps them shape this responsibility through direct involvement and longterm commitment. In commendation of her work, Tonia Dabwe received the International African Woman of the Year award in 2013 in London, United Kingdom. *** For more information or media inquiries please cont