Gbarnga, Bong County – Prince Garlawolo, a notorious criminal in Gbarnga, Tuesday admitted to police investigators that he and the deceased Radio Paraclete journalist Chris David had gone to steal a goat on the night of October 29 on Tucker Farm before he (David) was shot in the stomach by the owner of the farm.
David, whose body was lying in a creek on Saturday, October 31 around Tucker Farm on the Lofa road, was allegedly shot dead on Friday, October 30.
Garlawolo, who was arrested on November 2 following a manhunt, informed police that he and David had been successful in stealing goats at night and selling to a local restaurant owner in Gbarnga, Geeta Bryant.
“My friend David and I used to go at night to steal goats. Last week Saturday at about 2:00am, David and I went on Tucker Farm to steal goat and when we arrived the owner of the farm noticed us and began to raise alarm. David and I were afraid and decided to escape, and while escaping the owner of the farm shot David with the gun,” Garlawolo said.
“David and I have been in this business (stealing goats to sell) for more than four months,” he said. “After the owner of the farm shot David, he rode the bike for three minutes before getting unconscious. Later, we fell along the road then I noticed that David was dead, I jumped in the bush for rescue because I noticed people were coming after me,” he said.
Tucker admits shooting journalist
Tucker, a farmer and owner of the Tucker Farm, on Tuesday admitted to the killing of David. Facing police investigation Tuesday, Tucker answered ‘yes’ when asked by police whether he killed the 34-year-old journalist.
“I regret my action so deeply,” Tucker said, adding: “The only reason I shot David because he and his friend had attempted killing me with a cutlass after I tried preventing them from carrying my goat,” he said.
Tucker said on October 30 he saw two unidentified men on his farm with attempting to steal his goats. He said the two men were escaping with his goats when he discharged his single barrel gun, which led to the death of David.
“I tried to stop them from carrying my goats but they could not listen so I shot the rider with my single barrel gun,” he said.
Tucker charged with murder
Tucker, 52, has been charged with the murder of David.
Tucker was charged with possession of firearms, a violation of section 14.1 of the Panel Law of Liberia, according to the Liberia National Police.
As reported by FrontPage Africa this week, a member of a forensic team of the Liberia National Police who examined the body of the deceased journalist at the St. Kennedy Funeral Home Saturday confirmed that David died of a bullet wound from a single barrel gun.
“Yes, David died of a bullet wound from the examinations we have conducted,” a police officer told FrontPage Africa.
Garlawolo and Tucker, meanwhile, are currently in police custody awaiting court trial.
Bryant, during police investigation, admitted of buying goats from David and Garlawolo, but was only on one occasion. She said David convinced her to purchase a goat after he showed his press identification card.
Bryant told police: “When I asked him whose goat he was selling, he told me it was his parents’ goat. I wasn’t too convinced, so he showed me his press ID card and said he wasn’t a criminal but a journalist who was stranded and needed money urgently.”