THE OPPOSITION bloc has over the past few weeks been in disarray, trading allegations against each other and seem to be in a non-collaborative posture.
THIS POSTURE is casting doubts in the public over the good intentions of the opposition for the country as actors within are being seen as chasing selfish interests.
OVER THE PAST few months, we’ve seen some members of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) accusing a constituent member of the Collaboration – the Alternative National Congress (ANC) and its leader, Alexander Cummings, of being responsible for the publication of the lie told Senator Abraham Darius Dillon over his business class ticket – something that emanated from a FrontPageAfrica’s investigation. However, the fact that a constituent member would be accused for the reckless and irresponsible behavior of another member shows that there is a lot going on within the CPP.
OVER THE PAST few weeks, we’ve seen an internal wrangle between the political leader of the Liberty Party and the Chairman of the Party wherein the political leader is accusing the chairman of tampering with the constitution of the party.
THIS ALLEGATION is grave and if proven to be true would require some harsh disciplinary action. However, Mr. Musa Bility, has refuted the allegation against him. The political leader, Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence has also come under the spotlight to setting up a committee to investigate an allegation made by her.
THE DUST IS yet to settle within the Liberty Party when the political leader of the All Liberian Party, another constituent member of the CPP, made a blanket allegation against the top hierarchy of the CPP. He said one of them has altered the CPP framework.
Certainly, a great proportion of the population isn’t happy with the way things are going under the current regime, and are looking forward to the decisive opposition as an alternative government when the right time comes. However, it is sad to say that the opposition, like the government, is dashing away the hope of Liberians with these internal wrangles amongst themselves
IN HIS WORDS, Mr. Benoni Urey stated, “Madam Chair, this letter essentially seeks to inform you that the All Liberian Party (ALP) has reliably learned certain portions and clauses within the organic Framework document of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) have been dubiously, viciously and purposefully altered by some nefarious individuals within the hierarchy of the CPP – and replaced by ‘Alien Clauses’ to engender ulterior motives’.
MR. UREY’S allegation and wordings are not being taken lightly by the ANC political leader, Mr. Cummings.
MR. CUMMINGS in a reaction addressed to the chair indicated that he finds it strange that Mr. Urey would be making such an allegation one year after their coming together as one body, without the benefit of any internal consideration of its accuracy and validity.
“Given that Benoni accuses no one directly, he thereby, unfairly accuses everyone indirectly. I find it unacceptable that such strongly worded letter, laced with threats to the survival of this collaboration is void of any specific details – he points to no specific provision in the document that he claims is altered, does not say when he believes it was altered, does not say who are the “nefarious” individuals amongst us in the hierarchy that altered it but yet invites the CPP through your Office and the Liberian people, to embark on a wild-goose chase,” Cummings stated.
ALL THESE ALLEGATIONS and counter allegations within the CPP is becoming a manifestation of a non-collaborating opposition.
THE ABSENCE of a strong opposition in a functioning democracy paves the way for many undemocratic maneuverings by the sitting government.
CERTAINLY, a great proportion of the population isn’t happy with the way things are going under the current regime, and are looking forward to the decisive opposition as an alternative government when the right time comes. However, it is sad to say that the opposition, like the government, is dashing away the hope of Liberians with these internal wrangles amongst themselves.