Author: Selma Lomax

Gbarnga, Bong – The Intelligence Officer of the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA), Darwolo Melen otherwise known as Darius Melen, is at the center of major controversy after a Nigerian national, Henry Cheigwu, claimed that the LDEA officer withdrew over L$400,000 from his mobile money account following a raid on her premises. During the raid, which was carried out in April this year, the LDEA reported that they had raided Cheigwu of drugs in the value of over L$7 million. Cheigwu, who denied of being a drug dealer, claimed that the alarm raised by LDEA was intended to raid his…

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Gbarnga, Bong County – Joint security investigators in Bong County have recommended to the Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency (LDEA) the transfer of three LDEA officials from Bong County following an investigative report into a criminal facilitation and negligence of a case reported by Teddy Glegneir of the Camp Tubman Military Barracks against LDEA’s Bong County Commander, Alex Toweh, Chief of Operations Prince Boimah and Intelligence Officer Darius Melen.

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