Author: Selma Lomax

MONROVIA — The United Grebo Association of Liberia, an umbrella body of the Grebo speaking people of Liberia, has endorsed the standard bearer of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), Alexander Cummings, as its candidate for the 2023 presidential election. The group said after much deliberations, it decided to jettison sentiment and back the candidature of Cummings for the presidency in the interest of the nation.

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BUCHANAN, Grand Bassa County – For the third time, ForumCiv Liberia hosted the Rural Women Land Rights Conference. The conference resulted in commitments from participating organizations and some of the stakeholders. The 3rd Rural Women Land Rights Conference brought together over seventy participants. It was held in Buchanan Grand.

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MONROVIA – President Joe Biden has disclosed that through the United States’ Digital Investment blended finance program, his government is working with Kenya partner CSquared to establish a nationwide fiber network in Liberia that’s going to help connect one million Liberians to the web. “And so, creating real opportunity, greater equality, and a more secure, healthy, and prosperous world is what we’re all about. Moving forward, we have to continue to invest together and invest stronger. And we welcome all who share this vision to join this partnership,” said Biden, who made the remarks at the Partnership for Global Infrastructure…

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BONG COUNTY – Naymote Partners for Democratic Development has hosted a three-community-level dialogue focusing on women’s political participation and preventing violence against women in electoral processes in Bong County. The dialogues were held under the Liberia Electoral Support Project (LESP) in partnership with the Embassy of Sweden in Monrovia (SIDA), Irish Aid, the National Elections Commission of Liberia (NEC), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and UN Women Liberia.

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Monrovia – A Liberian prelate, Timothy Wulah, has advised the youths to take their destiny into their hands and dream big to succeed and impact their world. Rev. Wulah, pastor of Friends In Covenant Church of the Nazarene in Sacramento, CA, where he’s been pastoring since August 2000, spoke at the graduation program of the African Dream Academy in Paynesville, an institution founded by Monsterrado District Six lawmaker Samuel Enders.

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GBARNGA, Bong County – A lot has happened since September 9, 2022 when Unity Party (UP) distanced itself from speculations that Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence was poised to become running mate to the party’s standard bearer Joseph Boakai. It was widely speculated that Karnga-Lawrence was the favorite for the UP running mate until the party surprisingly issued a press statement debunking the claim, which has raised many eyebrows on Bong County Senator Prince Moye’s constant presence around Boakai.

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