Author: Lennart Dodoo

BACK IN THE DAY, the kids or rather Liberians used to say, when they wanted to taunt someone, “For my besnay (business), you will get funky fever.” Some older folks modified it and removed ‘funky fever’ by adding “heart attack”. This expression was usually made as a result of the person the statement is being directed at, was finding ways and means to get even with the statement maker but just couldn’t find his or her way through. In such instances, most times, it was to a meaningless end for those trying to settle scores and so they continually had…

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Africa inspires a swerving wave of development proxies across the continent. As a giant leap to model an integrated “continental strategy” on trade and economic diversification among the African States, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) Agreement was officially endorsed. Even though my own Liberia has only rectified the Agreement, we’ve made no effort to sign it. Among many of its endearing benefits are investments, growth diversification, and free movement of people and the need to grow and develop an African synergy that emboldens an appetite for development. Of all these many narratives and regional homilies on how to propel the African agenda,…

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Two high-ranking officials of CDC, Bong County Superintendent Esther Walker and CDC Chairman Mulbah Morlu, are on record for narrating through leaked audios about a hardcore conspiracy or sinister plot to remove H.E. Jewel Howard-Taylor as Vice Standard Bearer of CDC and Vice President of Liberia. Does this billboard of an impending CDC Retreat substantiate or validate such startling revelation?

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The Editor, I will publish a 3-page intriguing and insightful analysis on Monday titled “From Coastal Highway To Community Low-way – A Promised Betrayed”. But before full publication, READ and SHARE this synopsis. President George M Weah is bragging about paving a few substandard community roads in Monrovia and its environs. He spent 2 working days just to inspect ongoing community road projects. Wow Comparatively, President Weah has not even done 3% of what his predecessor did in terms of building roads and bridges. The facts can never lie. Here is a brief research I have done. A) Major Roads…

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MONROVIA – The Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) says it did not stop Mr. Henry Costa from traveling, however, the LIS has informed Mr. Costa and his lawyer, Cllr. Kangar Findley, that he cannot leave the country until the Justice Minister, Cllr. Frank Musah Dean, reveals his statement and report pertaining to how he attained the laissez passé.

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MONROVIA – FrontPageAfrica has gathered that the Government of Liberia has stopped Mr. Henry Costa, Chairman of the Council of Patriots and an ardent critic of President George Weah from leaving the country. FPA learned that the Liberia Immigration Service is alleging that Costa forged the laissez passé with which he travelled from Ghana to Liberia upon his return to the country to stage the December 30, 2019 protest which was deferred to January 6, 2020. Immigration official speaking on condition of anonymity said Mr. Costa has not officially gone through processing out of fear after getting news of the…

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