MONROVIA – The four political parties making up the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) have decided among themselves which party would be fielding candidates in each of the counties where there is an upcoming by-election as a result of sitting lawmakers who contested and won the December 2020 Special Senatorial Elections.
At a round table meeting among the leaders of the CPP on Monday, the Alternative National Congress (ANC) informed the leadership that it can field a candidate that can deliver Nimba County District #1 to the CPP, while the Unity Party and the All Liberian Party have to choose between two candidates for Bong County. In Bomi County, there will be selection of a candidate between the two candidates that would be proffered by the Unity Party and the Liberty Party.
The chairman of the CPP, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence told reporters after the meeting that it was intended to begin the process of consensus building among the four political parties as they near towards the by-elections and subsequently convention for the 2023 ticket.
According to Senator Karnga-Lawrence, all parties making up the CPP have been asked to hold their separate conventions to be able to submit the names of the candidates they want to represent them at all levels including the Presidential elections which will enable the CPP keep in line with the National Elections Commission guidelines as required by law.
Senator Karnga-Lawrence also disclosed that there were discussions on the allegation of the tampering of the CPP Framework document as alleged by the political leader of the All Liberian Party, Mr. Benoni Urey.
Though Mr. Urey did not mention specific names, he alleged that the Framework document submitted to the National Elections Commission was tampered with by individuals within the leadership of the CPP.
“We agreed on the issue of the Framework document that was questioned by Mr. Urey that the issue should be handled in house and that no one has been accused because the concern was only about comparing what was sent to the National Elections Commission and what we have to have a balance.
“If a concern is raised, we need to take it seriously. Each of the political leaders will send one representative to form a team to work with the different organs that worked on the Framework document to review the document within one week,” she disclosed.
In August, the political leader of the All Liberian Party (ALP) alleged that high-ranking members of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) have altered the Framework document of the political body, despite it being existence for over a year.
Mr. Benoni Urey failed to mention the names of those he believes altered the framework, neither did he mention which part of the framework has been tampered with.
In an August 18 communication to the chair of the CPP, Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence, Mr. Urey stated that his allegation stemmed from information gathered from impeccable sources and its validity cannot be doubted.
He alleged, “Madam Chair, this letter essentially seeks to inform you that the All Liberian Party (ALP) has reliably learned that certain portions and clauses within the organic framework document of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) have been dubiously, viciously, and purposefully altered allegedly by some nefarious individuals within the hierarchy of the CPP – and replaced by ‘Alien Clauses’ to engender ulterior motives.”
The CPP comprise four political parties from the opposition bloc including the ALP, the Unity Party (UP), Liberty Party (LP) and the Alternative National Congress (ANC).