The Editor,
You are on the money Rodney Sieh. Go get them. The pen is mightier than the sword. Ellen once referred to Liberian journalists as having “poisonous pens” aimed at discrediting her supposedly squeaky clean government.
Well, she too may have swallowed the incurable poisonous corruption pill that her predecessors all swallowed: Tubman, Tolbert, Doe, Bryant and Taylor. And where are they now? History could be repeating itself under Ellen. Time will tell.
If the evidence confirms what Belleh said in his email to Sherman that the PPCC Act had been revised to favour Sable only to mine Wologizi, and that a meeting was held with Ellen to address her corners and thereafter “she approved” of what would be a criminal undertaking, then she is a dead meat; worse than even if she got any of the corruption dirty money.
We are watching including both the U.S. and British governments. They can run but they can’t hide. “Behold, your sins will find you out,” says the Holy Bible.
Jerry Wion,
[email protected]