Author: Lennart Dodoo

Monrovia –  DRU, Dispatch: The Dugbe River Union of Liberia has written United States Congressman Chris Smith for speaking well on the current worsening political and economic situations in Liberia where the government has reportedly turn into mute and intransigent to deliver basic needs and wants of its own citizens and residents. The DRU’s Secretary-General, Mr. Aaron Manneh recently wrote US Representative Chris Smith (R- NJ),  a ranking member of Foreign Relations Sub Committee on Africa, being praised for speaking well on the worsening political and economic situations in Liberia. According to Mr. Manneh, While the governing authority of Liberia…

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Monrovia – The Liberia civil Society Organizations on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, (CSOS WASH) Network has called on the Liberian Government, especially the WASH Legislative Caucus, to constitute a joint independent investigation committee involving CSOs, NWASH Commission, the Liberia Anti-corruption Commission and the Ministry of Justice, among others, to jointly investigate and verify the claims and counter-claims and validate also the Last Well projects in Liberia. 

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The Editor, In as much as I disagree with the rhetoric of Mr. Henry P. Costa and his COP, it must be made clear that if President George Weah (or his people or anyone) harms or murders him, they will have to murder us all to get away with it.  George Weah and his Cdicians drunkenness with power will very well end quickly and disgracefully as in the cases of Samuel K. Doe and Charles G. Taylor.

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MONROVIA – The Council of Patriots has agreed with the call of the international community to delay the protest but says they disagree with the proposed Sunday, January 5, 2020 date; they have therefore, suggested Monday, January 6 for the protest. At an emergency press conference held on Monday morning at Roots FM, Mr. Henry Costa, the chairman of the Council of Patriots, said he had received a phone call from the UN Resident Coordinator at about 11:45 pm on Sunday informing him that he along with the U.S. Ambassador and the ECOWAS Ambassador had made a case to the…

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MONROVIA – Key development partners to Liberia have called on the Council of Patriots not to continue with the December 30 demonstration until January 12, 2020 when the Government of Liberia shall be fully prepared to provide security and logistical support. In a joint statement by Ambassadors of ECOWAS, the United States, EU and the United Nations, stated “We have watched with pride as the Liberian people have passed important democratic milestones of hosting peaceful elections, debates, dialogues, and demonstrations. These are all important elements that strengthen the country’s core institutions.” “We strongly encourage the Council of Patriots to shift…

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MONROVIA – The leadership of the Council of Patriots, organizers of December 30 protest against ‘bad governance’ and economic hardship under the Weah-led administration, say they would call off the protest if President George Weah can make a statement addressing the concerns in their June 7 petition. They insist that in the absence of President Weah’s willingness to address their concerns flagged in the June 7 petition, they would go ahead with the Monday’s protest, though the Ministry of Justice has publicly said there would be no permit to protest until January 30, 2020. Liberians believe the protest might turn…

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Monrovia – Liberia’s rising advocate and civil war survivor, Tamba Aghailas, has launched his new book, In Pursuit of Liberty: The Amazing Journey of a Liberian Refugee.  As he writes in the book’s prologue, when he first considered writing a book about his wartime experiences in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone, “I was still toiling inthe forest region of the Republic of Guinea [Conakry]. I had spent a decade there experiencing the trials and triumphs faced by those like myself, who had lost everything. Over the years, I would write as these memories returned to me and then put aside…

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