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Monrovia – Econet Media’s dynamic content business, Kwesé TV, has launched in Liberia. Arguably amongst the best entertainment and sports bouquets in Africa, Kwesé TV will make its first to market, exclusive, well-known and original programming content available to households across the country through its distribution deal with Orange Liberia. This will see the sale of Kwesé TV decoders through Orange stores in Liberia.

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Report by Rodney D. Sieh, [email protected] Monrovia – Mr. Robert A. Sirleaf, the son of former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who is among several former public officials recommended for prosecution on “economic sabotage and misuse of public money” after authorizing $500,000 in irregular payments at the National Oil Company of Liberia says the payment of bonuses is not unique to NOCAL but one practice at all state-owned enterprises (SOEs) of the Government of Liberia.

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