Author: admin

FEW DAYS AGO, Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor was again on every banner headline of every major newspaper. Her name was on the lips of most of the talk-shows’ hosts. That was not the end of it all; that famous name made rounds on all Liberian social media pages and online news portals. GUESS WHAT? AGAIN, the Liberian Vice President’s name wasn’t in the news for any good reasons. Y’all probably know why by now. WELL, TO THOSE OF YOU our readers, who didn’t follow the events of late, we are bringing you up to speed…

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Monrovia – President George Manneh Weah has mandated the Ministers of Justice and Education along with Bishop Jonathan B. B. Hart, Chairman and members of the Board of Trustees of Cuttington University to proceed on Wednesday May 30, 2018 to the campus of the University in Suakoko, Bong County to resolve the impasse that is impeding normal studies at the Episcopal Church-run University.

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