Author: admin

MONROVIA – The Mayor of the City of Monrovia, Hon. Jefferson T. Koijee, says he is taken aback by the mentioning of his name in a leaked audio believed to be the voice of Bong County Superintendent, Ester Walker. The Mayor is specifically shocked that Madam Walker would mention in the recording that he was at the President’s Jamaica Lodge on the day His Excellency President George Manneh Weah delivered his second Annual Message. The Mayor categorically distanced himself from such assertion as his ill health couldn’t permit him to attend either the Annual Message ceremony at the Capitol or…

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Gbarnga, Bong County – Josephus Dormeyan, the man whose name is being mentioned repeatedly by Bong County’s Superintendent in the much-talked about leaked recording, has admitted to FrontPageAfrica that indeed there was a discussion of such but not necessarily between him and his boss, Superintendent Esther Walker. Report by Selma Lomax, [email protected], the Administrative Assistant to Superintendent Walker, said the conversation was done last week when Madam Walker returned from Monrovia, where she had gone to attend President George Weah’s deliverance of his second Annual Message.According to him, he had gone to see his boss and upon entering her office,…

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NIMBA COUNTY – At least seven bodies have been recovered from the Kartee gold mines located in Gboanipea where about 40 persons are believed to be buried underground after the mine collapsed. New developments from the Technical Steering Committee set up to manage the Gbanipea’s Goldmines Disaster show that all persons unaccounted for since the February 10, 2019 collapse of loose soils in Gbonipea, Tappita District, Nimba County are or may be feared dead. On the morning of February 10, 2019, a disaster occurred in Gbanipea, about 10 kilometers away from Tappita City, Tappita District, Nimba County which resulted into…

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Monrovia – The Plenary of the House of Representatives was engulfed with drama when Rep. Adolph Lawrence of Montserrado, District #15, was expelled from Thursday’s session by House Speaker Bhofal Chambers for ‘unruly’ behavior. Rep. Lawrence was heard calling plenary’s adopted agenda a “trash”, prompting Speaker Chambers to order the Sergeant-at-arms, Brigadier General Martin Johnson to escort the Montserrado County’s lawmaker out of session for what he (Speaker Chambers) termed as his disturbance and unruly behavior. The drama began following the reading of the agenda by the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, Mildred Sayon, and a motion for…

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Monrovia – The Paynesville City Mayor, Madam Pam Belcher-Taylor, has appointed Mrs. Bindu Brewer as Chief Resilience Officer (CRO). The appointment is in partnership with 100 Resilient Cities – Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation (100RC). Report by Mae Azango [email protected] According to Mayor Belcher-Taylor, the new position has been created to lead city-wide resilience building efforts to help Paynesville prepare for ‘shocks’ and catastrophic events like floods, disease outbreak, and infrastructure failure and ‘stresses. The program will also control slow-moving disasters like water management, gaps in public health, and lack of affordable housing, which are increasingly part of 21st century life. As…

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LAST WEEK, the Central Bank of Liberia was forced to take down from its website its own 2018 annual report which depicts the biggest budget shortfall ever in Liberia’s history. In the report, taken down less than 24 hours after it was posted, the CBL recorded that preliminary statistics showed that Government’s fiscal operations during the year recorded a fiscal deficit of US$225.5 million (7.0 percent of GDP).  This huge deficit, first of its kind in post-war Liberia, according to the CBL was as a result of fall in total revenue and grants receipts during the year 2018. THE BANK…

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MONROVIA – The National Transit Authority (NTA) with assistance from the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbiet (GIZ) GmbH is conducting several surveys to improve the quality of transport services provided by the Authority. The week-long surveys, which kicked off February 12, include NTA customer satisfaction survey, stated performance survey, as well as traffic counts. The surveys are being conducted in Monrovia and its surroundings, like Caldwell, Red light, Broad Street, Duport Road, Sinkor, Congo Town, and SKD Boulevard by students of various universities, a release from the NTA said on Wednesday. According to NTA Managing Director, Herbie T. McCauley, “the…

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