A National Executive Committee (NEC) member of the opposition All Liberian Party (ALP) Sando Johnson says he remains supportive of the presidential ambition of the Political Leader of the Unity Party (UP) Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai despite the decision taken by his party to withdraw their support from him.
By Obediah Johnson
Mr. Johnson, who is presently a Political Advisor of the ALP, is a former Senator of Bomi County who supported President George Manneh Weah in the 2017 general and presidential elections.
The ALP is headed by renowned Liberian businessman Benoni Urey.
It can be recalled that early last month, the ALP, through one of its members, Henry Costa, held a news conference denouncing its support to Ambassador Boakai for the presidency in the ensuing October 10 general elections. The party also claimed that Ambassador Boakai betrayed the ALP following his refusal to select Costa as his running mate after he (Boakai) allegedly committed himself to doing so.
“I have been designated by our party to announce and inform in categorical and unambiguous terms, that our party, the All Liberian Party (ALP) is no longer allies or partners with Amb. Joseph Boakai and his Unity Party. We no longer share the same ideals, vision, or values. In the coming days, our party will be meeting to determine our next course of action,” Costa stated.
But speaking in an interview with FrontPage Africa via telephone on Tuesday, August 8, Mr. Johnson said it is unbelievable and unthinkable for the ALP that has worked with Ambassador Boakai for so many years to somersault over its decision reached at a national convention held in Gbarnga, Bong County.
At the convention, delegates among other things resolved that the party’s Political Leader Urey would not contest for the presidency in the October 10 elections and the ALP would support the former Liberian Vice President.
“I can tell you this that the ALP may have taken a decision to go wherever they want to go; but I am not going along with them. I’m supporting Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai of the Unity Party 100% and to make sure that he wins and rescue Liberia.”
“My party and all of us have worked with Ambassador Boakai for over four years preparing him for the presidency. And in the middle of the game or eve of the elections you want us to leave to go somewhere else? No. We can’t sign a resolution in Gbarnga to support Ambassador Boakai than in the middle I withdraw. I will not do that.”
Mr. Johnson stated that he cannot affix his signature to a document and renege on fulfilling what he has committing to, noting that, “anyone who does that is a child.”
He observed that as a result of the pronouncement made by the ALP, many of the party’s executives and partisans are crossing over to the UP.
Liberians want Boakai
Mr. Johnson emphasized that the “writings are cleared on the wall” that Liberians want Ambassador Boakai to replace incumbent President George Manneh Weah in the ensuing elections.
He added that multiple opinion polls conducted have given Ambassador Boakai edge over his contenders.
He noted that as a result of this, he cannot go against the will of the Liberian people just to please a political party.
“You can see clearly that the Liberian people and the whole country is turning towards Ambassador Joseph Boakai and we have to join this train and ensure that we help him to become President of Liberia”
Urey informed
Mr. Johnson disclosed that he has already informed his party’s Political Leader Mr. Urey about his decision to support Ambassador Boakai even though he ALP has rescind on its previous decision to follow suit.
He added that Mr. Urey and other executives of the party were duly informed that it was not timely for the party to part way with Ambassador Boakai barely two months to the elections.
According to him, Mr. Urey has wished him well in his decision.
“I have stated my concern to my Political Leader Benoni Urey and I made that very cleared to them that it’s late and I’m not going to betray or turn my back on Ambassador Joseph Boakai. Ambassador Boakai has nominated me on his National Campaign Team and I am serving in that capacity very well. There is no turning back. The Liberian people want Boakai and we will ensure that he wins.”
“Urey and I came a long way and I respect him. We worked together for many years, but when I made my decision not to go away from Ambassador Boakai, I sent him a message as a legal respect expressing my view that it was my democratic right. And he said ‘thank you. I wish you good luck.’”
He indicated that he remains willing and fully prepared to bear the penalty of whatever decision the ALP would take as a result of his action to support Ambassador Boakai.
He stated that though he has not officially joined the UP, he will assiduously work to ensure that President Weah is replaced by Ambassador Boakai.
Mr. Johnson indicated that as a member of Ambassador Boakai’s campaign team, he will not be perturbed by attacks on his character from few others within the ALP due to his decision.
He said his political leader and daughter Telia Urey, as well as Henry Costa have their rights and will to “go where they want to go,” but they should avoid compelling others to follow them.
“We heard some of them making sweeping statements and some of these statements will promote Ambassador Boakai. So, the more they make some of these denigrating statements or insulting Ambassador Boakai, you are campaigning for him.”
The Most Experienced
Mr. Johnson pointed out that his support to Ambassador Boakai is based upon his high level of experience as compared to his political rivals.
He said the former Vice President “knows exactly how to lead this country so that our young people future will be redeemed.”
“Kush is killing our young people and you are seeing the high rate of corruption and abuse of power. We have to stop that.”
According to him, Ambassador Boakai is the one best suited to redeem the image of the country.
“Ambassador Boakai will redeem and rescue our country so that the suffering, drug abuse and corruption can vanish and let Liberia move on. I am still an executive of the ALP, but I am supporting Ambassador Boakai and Jeremiah Koung for the total redemption of our country.”
He stressed that the UP presidential candidate has integrity and would ensure accountability in the governance process of the nation.
“Ambassador Boakai will unify this country and bring everybody on board. He believes in inclusiveness or giving everybody the opportunity. He is not a vindictive person or a tribalist.”
“I worked with Ambassador Boakai when he was Vice President. I was on the Budget Committee and Pro Tempore Armah Jallah and I went to him to ask whether we should increase his budget when the national budget was before us. He (Boakai) said ‘no, nobody should lobby for my money to be increased. In fact, your pass it just as it was sent by the executive or your reduce it.’ Nobody could have done that.”
Mr. Johnson disclosed that for the 12 years served as President of the Liberian Senate, Ambassador Boakai did not also interfere with the workings of the various committees of that August Body.
“Ambassador Boakai is not power greed, rogue, or killer. He doesn’t drink, go to club or womanize. These are the kind of God-fearing leaders we need in Liberia. He’s not going to damage our country or run behind young women or be in ghetto or hotel. He’s responsible and he’s going to lead the country in the right form and manner.”
He, however, called on partisans and supporters of other political parties to support Ambassador Boakai if Liberia is to be rescued from the Weah led-administration.
Mr. Johnson said Liberia would slip back to the dark days if citizens are not careful to vote wisely in the ensuing elections.
“Only Ambassador Boakai is capable of defeating George Weah democratically; nobody else. We have to take this country from the hands of the boys and put it in responsible hands to run our country.”