Ganta, Nimba County — The Reporters Association of Liberia (RAL) in collaboration with the Africa Development Management Associates (ADMA) has concluded a day-long regional symposium on extractive industry reporting with over fifty journalists in attendance in Ganta, Nimba County.
RAL is the largest auxiliary under the Press Union of Liberia.
The symposium was held under the theme: “Promoting Responsible Journalism for Socia-economic Development,” and brought together reporters from Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Margibi, and Grand Bassa Counties.
Speaking at the ceremony, the Reporters Association of Liberia President Willie N. Tokpah said the symposium is aimed at enhancing the capacity of journalists reporting on the extractive sector, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively communicate the complexities of the industry.
RAL’s President Willie Tokpah said the benefits of such seminars are multifold.
“Firstly, it will empower journalists to report accurately and comprehensively on the sector, thereby fostering transparency and public understanding. Secondly, it will contribute to creating a more informed public discourse, facilitating a constructive dialogue between industry stakeholders and the community,” Mr. Tokpah explained.
He said the RAL Ganta symposium will put a spotlight on ArcelorMittal Liberia operations, with presentations from the company’s top management.
“The impact of AML’s operations extends far beyond its economic contributions, positively influencing social development and community well-being in Liberia, especially in Bong, Nimba, and Grand Bassa. Thus, we believe it is important to increase public awareness of the company’s operations,” the RAL President noted.
He believes that when journalists understand the natural resource sector in Liberia in turn of reporting it will help the citizens and the country benefits through transparency and accountability.
The PUL auxiliary President further launched an appeal to the management of AML to assist the entity with its office rent for the next three years.
The RAL’s President said the benefits of the seminars are enormous thus admonishing the separate attendees attached serious importance to lessons being taught at the symposium.
President Tokpah then used the medium to launch an appeal to ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Management to assist RAL in the establishment of its office for the smooth run of its operations.
He however, rallied the Management of ArcelorMittal Liberia to create a rapport with members of the Reporters Association of Liberia (RAL) to easily access their facilities when discharging their investigations and reportorial duties with regard to extractive reporting.
Meanwhile, Nimba County electoral district #2 Lawmaker Nyah Flomo who scantily graced the occasion asserted that the Extractive sector in Liberia forms part of the highest income generation sectors across the country.
He rallies Liberian Journalists to serve as premium partners to the extractive sectors to ensure proactive and effective extractive functions that will benefit the country and its people.
The Nimba County electoral district #2 Lawmaker wants Reporters across the country to embrace the accomplishments and/or good deeds of the extractive sector and desist from only reporting issues that create havoc.
Also in remarks, McDonald S. Kerl Sr, Technical Officer at Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives (LEITI) said the role of the LEITI is to ensure Transparency and Accountability in the management of Liberia’s extractive resources.
Mr. McDonald S. Kerl Sr presented on the topic: Understanding Liberia’s Extractive Sector, Gains, Challenges and Opportunities.
In furtherance, the over fifty reporters and Managers who attended the RAL Ganta symposium hailed RAL’s Leadership and its implementing partner (ADMA) for staging the impactful symposium.
They termed the symposium as an extensive eye-opener thus promising to effectuate the separate knowledge (s) gained at the training following their return to their separate areas of work.
The one-day media symposium brought together media stakeholders and organizations, as well as local authorities and some political leaders, were invited for the opening of the symposium which takes place at the Alvino Hotel in Ganta on February 23, 2024.
Meanwhile, Arcelor Mittal Liberia Head Of Sustainability And Extended Relations, Marcus Wleh, has expressed the company’s willingness to provide the necessary information to the media, concerning its operational activities and how they continue to live up to the social development contracts with citizens.
Mr. Wleh also assured the company’s cooperation with the media and promised its commitment to continue engagements with RAL, through ADMA.
He also emphasized the need for the media to visit AML operation sites to understand some of the happenings concerning its activities.
Me. Wleh then assured RAL that recommendations put forth by Liberia’s largest media auxiliary would be looked at for possible actions.