MONROVIA – The City Mayor-designate of Monrovia, John C. Siafa, has declared waste management a national emergency that requires a deliberate collective effort to address.
At his confirmation hearing on Friday, February 16, 2024, at the Liberian Senate, Mr. Siafa appealed to the appropriating arm of government, the Legislature, to allocate more funding in the budget of MCC to help make Monrovia a greener and healthier place for its inhabitants. “Financial sustainability remains a key challenge for the city, especially for the collection of solid waste,” Mr. Siafa told senators. The appeal for increased budgetary support comes at a critical time when Monrovia is grappling with limited resources and competing priorities.
With overflowing trash bins, clogged drains, and mounting environmental concerns, the Mayor Designate sounded the alarm, emphasizing the urgent need for concerted action, especially financially driven efforts, to mitigate the challenges.
According to a World Bank-funded study conducted by Poyry in 2024, 1,174 tons of garbage are projected to be produced daily in greater Monrovia alone, yet only 300 tons are collected.
During his presentation, the MCC boss designate noted that the institution continues to lack the financial tools for taxation and does not possess adequate, timely, or reliable municipal revenue sources to fully sustain itself, let alone the Solid Waste Management operations. He thanked the World Bank, EU, and other donors for their continuous support to the sector but noted that without increased budgetary support from the national government, the sector is currently not sustainable.
The MCC boss designate informed members of the Senate’s Internal Affairs Committee that once confirmed as Mayor, the overarching goal of the City Government Team will be to improve not only the quality of life but also the infrastructure for residents of the city by designing and implementing several much-needed results-oriented programs within the city.
His deliverables are stipulated below:
SHORT TERM – Within 100 Days
Assessment of Institutional Capacity: Review of the current system and processes, as well as the structure of the existing team, with the aim to strengthen them.
Review current and pending Projects: With a view of improving delivery while accessing available opportunities for the development of new ones.
Engagement with Stakeholders: Requesting increased budgetary support from government and donors to MCC, negotiation with the World Bank for the waiver of the US$ 2.56 million due to the CLUS Project so work can continue, and the extension of the Results Based Financing (RBF) Program. Follow-up with the Ministry of Finance to release the US$125k payment for the Cheesemanburg residents Resettlement Action Plan to allow the construction of the access road and fencing of the 100 acres of land for the proposed Cheesemanburg Landfill.
Community engagement: Through sustained information and behavior change campaigns, engaging communities in the city.
Removal of Solid Waste Backlog and fumigation from the Fiamah and Stockton Creek facilities, cemeteries, and streets.
Deployment of trash bins at street corners and activating more Solid Waste Collection Points.
Establishment of a Joint Task Force: Forming partnerships with relevant parties to address pressing issues confronting the city.
Proposed National Stakeholders Conference on Sanitation: Bringing together all actors in the SWM sector of Liberia to review current national WM strategies and policies.
Development of a 5-year strategic plan to align MCC’s targets with the central government’s national development plan and goals.