SOULLESS, a new book by journalist Fatoumata Nabie Fofana, was released on April 2, 2024, illustrating the power of resilience in the face of adversity and the strength of the human spirit. The story follows the life of a young girl named Manatou Lahai. Raised in a devout Islamic setting, Manatou’s life was mapped out for her. Nevertheless, ambition and dreams beckoned her beyond tradition. When an unexpected tragedy tears her world apart, SOULLESS plunges into the depths of Manatou’s grief and her courageous journey to find healing, redefine her identity, and grasp a second chance at life.
The book is an homage to Fatoumat’s mother, Fanta Konneh, who died on June 10, 2019. The story delicately untangles the emotional threads of losing a mother and the harrowing journey of healing and self-discovery that follows. It serves as an inspiration to others, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still light to be found.
Anyone who has experienced loss in any form or is traversing the murky waters of grief can relate to SOULLESS. Whether you’ve lost a loved one, a job, or something material, your story is woven into this tale of rebirth and redemption.
SOULLESS is Fatoumata’s second book. In December 2020, she released her debut novel, SADJIO. In SADJIO, the author discusses gender inequality, the commodification of women’s bodies, and the ongoing struggles women face in traditionally and culturally blended societies. SADJIO was inspired by the experiences of women in her community and family, especially those who felt pressured to suppress their dreams.
While SADJIO is a call-to-action for inclusion at all levels, SOULLESS is a beacon of hope for those navigating the murky waters of grief, a reminder that there is hope on the other side of pain. This story illustrates the power of defiance, the courage to embrace change, and the transformative nature of grief. Explore Manatou’s journey and find solace in the strength of a soul reborn by purchasing this thrilling novel from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.