Monrovia – In a move to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus in Liberia a nonprofit organization, Liberia Initiative for Empowerment (LIFE), has begun the production of a locally made nose mask that is reusable.
The mask which is produced in Liberia would be distributed to hundreds of Liberians and non-Liberians who are residing in Liberia to be used to prevent the virus.
According to Humpheretta Reid Program manager of LIFE, it is her organization’s way of helping to fight against the virus that has killed over two thousand persons across the world with Liberia having three confirmed cases of the disease.
She told FrontPageAfrica that she is doing a mass production because the imported masks are limited on the Liberian market.
“As a humanitarian, I am doing a mass production to enable people to have easy access to reusable masks, especially, those that lack finance in getting the disposable ones”.
“Even the disposable ones are not available right now even to people that have finances. It’s going out of stock,” Humpheretta said.
Health workers have advised that the pubic cover their nose and face to prevent coming in contact with the COVID-19.

Humpheretta said the idea came to her while doing research on the virus. “I was doing research about the coronavirus and I thought we can make our own mask, then I said to myself we can do this to help people get easy access to masks.”
“I was inspired by the various masks I see around the world on television and I thought about making it adaptive to fit our culture and African fashion which is very elaborate and colorful but also with a focus that it must meet the economic needs of our people who cannot afford to buy regular masks that are disposable. Who will be happy to get a mask that is reusable, that can be clean, and reuse over and over again? It must be attractive to eyes so that it can be presentable but affordable. It can be used in schools, markets, offices, etc.”
The LIFE Program Manager said they are producing over 200 pieces of the masks to be distributed in communities in Monrovia free of charge beginning Saturday, March 21, 2020.
She added that they will be looking at people who can’t afford to buy masks to give them the masks, at least two masks will be given to a person.
Madam Reid disclosed that the program which they hope to extend to the entire country is sponsored by OSIWA.
“My advice to all Liberians is to encourage everyone to take all precautionary measures by using what we have. We can use what we have to keep ourselves safe. Let’s be creative and stop saying things that will endanger the lives of our family, friends, and Country,” Humpheretta Reid said.