Monrovia – The Abundance Community Coin (TACC) is expected for the first time to launch a global digital currency network in Liberia called CryptoCurrency. The launch will be held at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium in Monrovia.
Crypto currency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a form of computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records, to control the creation of additional coins, and to verify the transfer of coin ownership.
It was established in late 2019 by Steve Williams. In Liberia, Bishop Dr. Alexander H Freeman is the head. TACC is in more than 90 countries across the globe.
Richard Tellewoyan is the Youth Ambassador of TACC. He told FrontPage Africa in conversation that cryptocurrency is meant to bring relief to people financially.
According to him, the cryptocurrency has been created to help enrich people through the use of task coins. Also, it enables the interested candidate to change from US dollar to cryptocurrency.
Tellewoyan says: “TACC it is the first digital asset company to be launched in Liberia on May 14, 2021. Six months after this launch, all those who will be part of TACC, lives will not be the same.
He added that every ticket that will be purchased for the launch will receive a TACC as a gift.
“For us, it is a TACC coin. It is not just a day of fun but it is also a day of financial breakthrough. There is no risk attached to this program, it is a platform to end financial scarcity among us that is why we said one child, one TACC, one youth, one TACC,” he said.
“It is strange to know what Cristo currency is but it is the new goal, it is the new oil, Cristo currency is the new diamond, it is the thing to happen to the world. It’s like making Viagra available to everyone. In fact, experts are saying that this is going to impart the world more than what any other company has done.
According to TACC Youth Ambassador, an individual digital asset is increased base on the supplies and demand of the TACC coin.
TACC Youth Ambassador said: “It’s something that you have to plant, see it grows and at some time harvest it. It will be so great that you start at the very beginning.”
He added: “The rate of TACC coin is 1US$ to 4 TACC coin. So, if you invest a dollar right now to acquire a TACC coin which is sold at 25 cents. After we launch, it is going to be valued for 1usd. So, the money you will pay for four TACC Coins will be value for one TACC coin. Right now, an investment of 50 cents could make you several thousand US dollars richer in few months.”