Liberia is among few countries in West Africa with the lowest access to electricity. According to World Bank data of 2021, about 29.8 percent of the Country’s population has access to electricity.
Renewable energy companies, mainly mini grid and solar home system companies are playing a major part to increase electricity access especially in the rural areas where the national electricity grid is nearly impossible.
But, those companies are facing mountain of challenges despite buttressing national government’s efforts in connection rural communities in Liberia.
On Thursday April 25, 2024, the umbrella organization of renewable energy companies operating in Liberia, the Liberia Energy Access Practitioner Network known as the LEAP Network with support from the Global Off Grid Lighting Association GOGLA held a policy round table discussion looking at issues, solutions and challenges companies are faced with in the sector.
The gathering was held under the theme: Discussing and clarifying ambiguities on the national mini grid and solar home system policy (issues, challenges and solutions).
Speaking to reporter at the event, the President of the Liberia Energy Access Practitioner Network Mr. Royston Gbelia said the gathering mainly focused on renewable energy policy in Liberia which also highlighted challenges mini grid companies are confronted with.
Mr. Gbelia said the round table discussion which was graced by representatives from the Liberian Government including Land, Mines and Energy, Rural Renewable Energy Agency, Liberia Electricity Regulatory Commission, and the private sector, gave them first-hand views of the challenges in the sector.
He said unlike the mini grid, there is no policy on solar home system which is a big problem, “some of the businesses into solar home system, there is no policy guarding them, so we can also bring that to the discussion, for us to talk about it. How we will come out with solutions to some of the challenges businesses encountering in the renewable energy sector.”
“Solar home system provides a lot of electricity in real rural communities and we play a major part into the sector, but now with standing, there is no direction to guard them,” said Mr. Royston Gbelia, the President of the Liberia Energy Access Practitioner Network.
Royston lamented that the lack of policy on solar home system, can limit companies’ potential, “you are easily misplaced into a category that you not supposed to be in.”
Another worry for the LEAP Network is the limitation of mini grid companies to operate to full capacity as prescribed by law.
“Some of the challenges we discussed today were, companies who are during mini grid and in the very near future, the community they are involved in, there will be LEC and there are various licenses, so if you don’t have the right license, when LEC reaches in those communities where they are operating in, they will end up losing out, said LEAP Network President.
He averred the importance for mini grid companies to build their capacity at certain level, to get the license that is required so when LEC reaches their operational site, they can easily be transitioned into LEC programs by either serving as distributors, or whatever the case may be.
Mr. Royston Gbelia intoned that the round table was also a much of an awareness of sharing adequate information from regulators and players in the sector.
He said the discussion ended with a proposed meeting by next month May, “the LEAP Network has proposed to the government, to sponsor another round table discussion regarding policy on renewable energy that will involve the entire sector. That means mini grid, solar home system, productive use of energy and everything.”
The Police and Advocacy Manager of Global Off-Grid Lighting Association – GOGLA, the global body for the off-grid solar energy industry Mr. Collin Gumbu branded the meeting which engaged different stakeholders aimed at working together to improve the environment policy and regulatory framework as very important.
Mr. Gumbu said for off grid solar companies who are solution driven businesses to invest in the sector, they need to have confidence and trust in the government and the environment.
GOGLA helps solar off grid companies to have better business environment so they can deliver solar off grid solutions to support national governments across Africa and Asia to reach universal access.
Mr. Collin Gumbu said good policy and good regulatory framework for the sector is a foundation to attract more investors of off grid solar businesses.
He recommends the usage of multiple technologies to increase energy access, “Liberia having a mini grid policy is a good thing, because national grid along, not only in Liberia but all over African counties not enough to deliver energy. You need multiple renewable technologies, so mini grid is one of the renewable technologies.”
Gumbu said for the government of Liberia to reach universal access to affordable electricity, you need the combination grid, mini grid, solar home system, biomass and other renewable energy technologies.
Lands, Mines and Energy’s Assistant Director for Electricity Grid Mentor Z. Kotee III acknowledged Liberia’s lowest access to electricity, but said the government is committed to improving access rate, the government is surely working, as it stance government has lots of projects with donors that are ongoing, like we have the mount coffee extension, we also have the mount coffee solar mini grid that is to be built by the World Bank – 20magawatt, we have the Sinoe County mini grid – 2.5magawatt, and there are so many work ongoing right now, that two three years from now, we will see ourselves at another level.”
Mr. Kotee called on mini grid companies to come and invest, but stressed that competition of the sector is key.
President George Manneh Weah in May of 2022 issued Executive Order #107 suspending import tariffs on the types of off-grids solar lighting appliances, equipment and system components and other systems directly related to renewable energy development classified under the Tariff Numbers of the Liberia Revenue Code, but no renewable companies benefited from the order.
But, Liberia Energy Access Practitioner Network President Mr. Royston Gbelia hopeful of the renewal of the executive order by President Joseph Boakai.
“Actually we being pushing for the renewal of the executive order, which will give duty free to solar home system and solar products, so the president just signed it, it has not come out yet, it has not being published yet because there are some clarity needed, but it has been signed. So it’s good for importers importing solar equipment, it reduces the stress, that way it also help the end users, so it will even make it more affordable for the end users,” Mr. Gbelia said.