Monrovia – Report reaching FrontPage Africa says that a landslide in Grand Cape Mount County has trapped several artisanal miners, with more than 60 people feared dead.
According to reports, the incident took place at an illegal goldmine in in Tewor District early Monday morning, killing and trapping dozens of people.
The report claimed that only two bodies has been found and residents of surrounding towns are being assisted by a nearby Chinese mining company with excavators to rescue people from the rubbles.
In recent days residents of Tewor Distirct have complained about illegal mining activities in the area.
FrontPageAfrica is still gathering detail and will bring you to update as information emerges.
Illegal mining activities are common in Liberia as they have become a source income for thousands of unskilled and unemployed Liberians, mostly young people.
The Irresponsible mining practices by illegal miners do not only cause irreparable harm to the environment and the ecology, but put their health at grave risk.
Early 2019, more than 60 illegal miners including women died at the Gboanipea Gold mine near Tappita, Nimba County when the soil collapsed while they were deep underground.
Report say, the latest tragedy in Grand Cape Mounty is the second since 1982 when 55 people lost their lives at a gold mine.