Author: Press Release

Monrovia – The Chief Coordinating Officer of Petro Trade, Mr. Abraham Kaydea, has called on National Government to create a level playing field for all companies operating within the downstream Petroleum Sector in Liberia, especially when it comes to the issue of compliance with the laws of the land. Mr. Kaydea made the call recently after his company, Petro Trade Inc., were recognized and certificated by the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) as the second highest taxpayer within the Petroleum Industry in Liberia.  Petro Trade received the Award at a special Tax Appreciation Day Dinner program organized by the LRA and…

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MONROVIA – The vision of T-SAP is to educate students who will go out and impact their families, communities and country by applying their education with the principle of integrity. For Dr. Urey and his team, the training of teachers is cardinal in fulfilling this vision. In furtherance of this vision, Dr. Urey last December travelled to the United States to seek potential collaborations with colleges and universities in the area of capacity building for T-SAP faculty and possible student exchange programs. He paid a courtesy visit to Dr. Jack E. Daniels, President of the Madison College in Madison, Wisconsin,…

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CONAKRY, Guinea – On the first day of his first official state visit to the Guinean Capital Conakry, President George Manneh Weah ran into a colorful welcome ceremony where the Government and people of that country crowned him with the highest honor for any visiting head of state and he used the occasion to drum up solidarity and brotherhood between the two Mano River countries and peoples.

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Niamey – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),the global development network of the United Nations, has partnered with the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) — Africa’s leading philanthropy committed to empowering entrepreneurs — to train, mentor and financially support 100,000 young entrepreneurs in Africa over 10 years towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

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MONROVIA – The National Steering Committee of the Blue Oceans Conference has begun implementing the “Call-To-Action” adopted by stakeholders at the March 18-22, 2019 events in Monrovia with a beach clean-up exercise. The first phase of the clean-up took place on Friday, July 5, 2019 at Kru Town Beach in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County. The National Steering Committee is comprised of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as Chair, the Liberia Maritime Authority LiMA) as Co-Chair, the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) as well as its international partners, the Embassy of Sweden in Monrovia and Conservation International (CI).

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MONROVIA – The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) will on Thursday July 11, 2019 launch an Economic Forum to begin a public dialogue on topical domestic and global economic issues. The event will be the first in a series of bi-monthly economic forums that will create public awareness among key CBL stakeholders on the economic policies of the government, including the monetary and financial policies of the Bank, and issues affecting the Liberian economy. The CBL Executive Governor, Hon. Nathaniel R. Patray, III will formally launch the Forum and give the keynote message. The theme of this maiden CBL Economic…

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