Author: Lennart Dodoo

My friends, Throughout the pages of history, humanity has struggled to free itself from containment and the tentacles of dictatorship, and with only a very few exceptions, the African continent has suffered the most from ruthless dictators and self-imposed liberators who have placed self-interests over national good by enriching themselves at the expense of their compatriots. The decline of the African continent is reflective of the systemic greed and corruption that is evident throughout its borders. 

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Dear Comrades of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP),  I bring you Patriotic greetings on this Martin Luther King’s day, when we commemorate the life of a World acclaimed hero, who braved the odds of his time and lost his life in the pursuit of Justice and equality of all people irrespective of their race, gender or religious beliefs.

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The social media shapes the mind of the mass followers. Majority of Liberian have capitalized on the image of bad governance, poverty, natural disasters and use digital technology and social media to send out hate messages at national government, and bullies each other in the name of party solidarity. Liberian news is horrible and they spread like wildfire through major media like Aljazeera, BBC Focus on Africa, Facebook and more which are mostly controlled by western industries. European knowing how powerful social media and digital technology is, they have always kept a good media image. There are hundreds of homicides,…

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The new Solicitor General (SG) of Liberia is a full package of fraud who has zero reputation. The SG has a stamp of scam on his forehead and he carries a baggage of blemish on his back. Cllr. Sayma Syrenius Cephus has become an infamous henchman for CDC and president GMW. The fact is, this ‘hit-man’ is a bona fide rascal with a felonious past. Cephus, a maestro hustler, epitomizes blackmail and scheme. He is a byproduct of THE LEGAL PROFESSION who lacks every ounce of integrity and moral decency to even preside as Solicitor General of Liberia. Is Syrenius…

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CHINA’S “SENIORITY” OVER LIBERIA: ‘Senior Sister on all areas: Longevity of existence, population, education, military might, agriculture, self-reliance, etc. THE CHINA’S “TERRORISM” EXPERIENCE In the Conference Room of the Embassy of China in Liberia on Saturday, January 11, 2020, a projector-relayed information on a red background had the following banner headline: “Broadcasting Documentary on Fighting Terrorism in Xinjiang” Below the headline were words: “Embassy of China in Liberia in Saturday, January 11, 2020”

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Analytical Point of Departure: Prior to the much heralded January 6, 2020 protest,  under the aegis of the Council of Patriots(COP),  debate swayed across the nation between negotiators and leadership of the COP, among other things, regarding the constitutionality and legality of the protest, the issues of security, timeline, venue, structure of the protest and trekking routes.

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When Master Sergeant Samuel Doe burst onto the political scene in 1980, he put an end to the standoff between President William R Tolbert and the young progressives who were seeking an end to the century-old political oligarchy. Samuel K Doe was a shy soldier, from the bottom of the army. He did not know much about politics and could hardly read his speeches. He brought into his first cabinet the progressists and put them in charge of key ministerial positions. But the honeymoon did not last. Very soon all of them were shown the door, one after the other.…

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Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor is angry!Not at the alleged homicide of 9-year old Linda Sherman which the Ministry of Justice has failed to conduct an autopsy. Or the discovery of Odell Sherman in the home of her(VP Taylor’s) cousin, Rev. Emmanuel Giddings. Sherman later died at ELWA hospital and after much dilly-dallying, including a floppy, sloppy and shoddy handling of the investigation, the Liberia National Police said it was a freak accident and Rev. Giddings was absolved, although it was in his home the deceased was found. Odell’s mother would later take control of her body and buried her…

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