Author: Lennart Dodoo

The Editor, It’s been several decades since a Liberian President entered office with a cleaned pair of hands, for instance, before President Samuel K. Doe took office in 1980, he had dirtied his hands by his role in the death of President William R. Tolbert, and early on in his Presidency, the young Head of State (Doe) went on to get his hands even dirtier with the extra-judicial execution of the thirteen deposed government officials on the shore-ways of Monrovia waters on November 22nd, 1980. Then Charles Taylor came along, and although he marketed himself as the liberator of the people, Mr.…

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The Editor, The CDC-led government has gotten afflicted by three major scourges—meltdown of ideas, incompetence, and lack of respect for established laws. These three viruses undermine governance, cripple national output, and set sail a country on the path to the bottomless pit of underdevelopment. They are the challenges gripping the political regime of the CDC, and they are the once triggering the disproportionate levels of decay in the society.

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