Author: Lennart Dodoo

The phenomena of the People’s Republic of China in the global arena are quite significant and present opportunities and challenges for post-war countries in Africa including Liberia. But what is the ultimate push behind Beijing new diplomatic ties with African states and governments? And what is the impact of Beijing aid in Africa’s poorest states? It has been observed that the new level of Beijing influence has ignited political competition between China and the United States on the African continent; China views development and foreign aid as practical policy instruments to promote political friendship and economic cooperation, while the U.S.…

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The Editor, President Weah evoked the Code of Conduct two weeks ago when he asked prospective candidates to the 2020 elections to resign from their positions. The President however ignores an important component of the same Code of Conduct: the obligation for all members of the executive to declare their assets upon taking office. This glaring selective implementation of the law is a slap in the face of people who have worked hard to get the Code of Conduct to be passed into law. I still recall the day Dr. Amos Sawyer submitted the bill to the Interim Legislative Assembly…

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HENRY TOWN, GBARPOLU COUNTY – John Joshua had suspected Hannah Barry (not their real names for fear of stigma) of having a relationship with a Ghanaian miner he identifies only as Ernest. A lot about her had changed. She had a new phone, 21-inch portable DVD player and frequently bought clothes and imitation jewelry on creditβ€”all too expensive for Joshua to afford on his schoolteacher’s salary of L$10,000.

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MONROVIA – Justice Minister Frank Musah Dean has told FrontPageAfrica that he has no knowledge of government dropping criminal charges against the former Managing Director of the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA), ironically, it was the dismissal of the case that gave Ms. Ellen Corkrum the guts to return to Liberia having been on the run since 2013.

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Ganta, Nimba County – More than 40 public elementary schools in Nimba County’s 17 Administrative Districts lack teachers while some are being controlled by just single instructors. In addition to this β€˜mess’, is also the lack of instructional materials coupled with the collection of tuition fees by the Ministry of Education.

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