Author: Henry Karmo

MONROVIA – Joseph Boakai, the standard bearer of the Unity Party, has declared that the party will not tolerate intimidation or fear tactics from the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) during the election period. Boakai emphasized that the Unity Party, known for its commitment to peace, will not allow the CDC thugs to undermine their campaign. He asserted that no individual possesses a monopoly over violence.

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MONROVIA – Senator Prince Johnson of Nimba County, and political leader of the opposition MDR Political party, has confirmed his voice being on an audio that has gone viral on social media. However, he asserts that the audio has been doctored, and the intention behind its circulation is merely propaganda aimed at causing confusion within the unified opposition collaboration.

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MONROVIA – The Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has ruled in the case of Ganta Support Group and Another versus the Republic of Liberia, ordering the respondent (The Republic of Liberia) to take all necessary steps to restore the applicants’ rights to their ancestral land and ensure that a similar occurrence is avoided in the future.

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