Author: Gerald C. Koinyeneh

MONROVIA – The Lower House continues to be polarized day-by-day since Maryland County District #2 Representative Bhofal Chambers ascended to the Speakership of the House of Representatives. Speaker Chambers has come under a barrage of criticisms from not only opposition lawmakers, but those from his ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC). Lawmakers including Reps. Nagbe Sloh (Sinoe District #2), Yekeh Kolubah (Montserrado County District #10) and the late Adolph Lawrence (Montserrado District #15) openly accused the Speaker of being bias and lacking the leadership ability to lead them. So polarized has been the House that a segment of the House’s…

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Monrovia – More than 350 Imams and Islamic Scholars from 122 Islamic institutions including the National Muslim Council of Liberia, National Imam Council and the Leagues of Islamic Scholars have signed a resolution for greater unity within the Islamic community of Liberia. The resolution of the Muslim Leaders followed a two-day conference from March 23 to 24 2019 under the theme, “The role of the Islamic Institutions in unifying the Muslims and their role in the national Peaceful Coexistence in Liberia. Speaking to reporters after the conference, the Grand Mufti of Liberia, Shiekh Abubarkar Sumaworo lauded the Imams and Islamic…

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