Author: Alaskai Moore Johnson

Monrovia – When delegates from the 19 chapters go to the poll on September 18, 2021, to elect the new administration of the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA), they are going to be faced not so much of a very tough decision on whom to elect, as one of the contestants for the presidency has had many years of experience with the organization.

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MONROVIA – The All-Liberian Conference on Dual Citizenship (ALCOD) has donated several oxygen tanks to the Star Base Covid_19 Treatment Unit on the Bushrod Island in Monrovia. The life tanks, which are 10 canisters, are valued at over 403,000 Liberian dollars. ALCOD has promised to donate more, needed medications for Covid-19 treatment centers across the country. The oxygen tanks were handed to Dr. Ibrahim A. Ajami by Rev. Marcus Sherman and Madam Eliza B. Flahn, representatives of ALCOD. ALCOD represents the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas (ULAA), European Federation of Liberian Associations (EFLA), Liberian Advocacy for Change (LAFC),…

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Monrovia — The Foundation for Human Rights Defense International (FOHRD) on June 2, 2021, launched its first National Human Rights Report. According to FOHRD, that was the beginning of a journey intended for the advancement of Liberia’s democracy in the protection of the human rights of everyone found within the borders of the country.

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