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Monrovia – The Liberia Football Association (LFA) has named a new Secretary General of the association. Report by Christopher Walker The LFA Executive Committee in its sitting on Thursday, December 6, appointed FIFA badge Referee Isaac T. Z. Montgomery as the new Secretary General of the nation’s football house. Montgomery replaces Emmanuel O. Deah who served as Secretary General for over a three years. Montgomery comes to the post with a wealth of professional and academic experiences. He became referee in 2009 and was selected by FIFA as one its international referees in 2013. Montgomery won the Best Referee Award…

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MONROVIA – It is becoming glaringly clear that the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government under the leadership of President George Weah is in serious crisis with officials of the three branches of government at variance with each other for separate reasons. Report by Henry Karmo, [email protected] This paper has reliably learned that in addition to some misunderstanding within the Executive Branch, the five-member Supreme Court Bench is also divided on issues with two against three. This split according to some high-ranking officials very close to the Judiciary is because of attempts to “politically” impeach Associate Justice Kabineh Ja’neh. According…

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Barkedu, Lofa County – Zubah Kezzelee, 38, met his untimely death when he embarked on an adventure to provide quality care for his pregnant wife who had been grabbed by labor pain. It was during the early nightly hours of December 1, 2018, when the deceased embarked on the journey with his wife who was in her finishing stage of pregnancy. The couple lived in Goyala and was en route to Barkedu, where the only health facility is located in a region of over 15 towns and approximately 13,800 inhabitants. After trekking for over 2 hours in the dark with…

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MONROVIA –President George Manneh Weah has ordered members of his cabinet who are yet to declare their assets to do so in a week or face punitive action consistent with law. He said asset declaration under his regime will be enforced to the letter and there will be no sacred cows. “During the campaign, we told the people of Liberia and assured the international community that our government would adopt a zero-tolerance posture towards corruption and graft and would demonstrate utmost transparency and accountability,” the Liberian leader said. “It is therefore important and critical that each of you serving in…

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Monrovia – As part of efforts to increase electricity supply to Monrovia and its environs, the government of Liberia with funding from the European Union (EU) on Thursday December 6, 2018 signed the Monrovia Consolidation of Electricity Distribution Works Lot-2. Report by J.H. Webster Clayeh 00231770745986 [email protected] The Minister of Finance and Development Planning Samuel D. Tweah signed on behalf of the government of Liberia while the Marketing Manager of MBH Power Limited Rachit Shah signed on behalf of his firm. MBH is a Nigeria company contracted to implement the project. Lot-1 cost 8.5 million Euros, and the Lot-2, which…

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MONROVIA – The Founder and Senior Managing Partner of FABRAR Liberia Incorporated, Madam Jeanine Cooper, has extoled graduates of the Williams R. Tolbert College of Agriculture & Forestry at the University of Liberia, to keep in mind society will look up to them, for not just food production, but as anchors of Liberia’s development. The Managing Partner of the agriculture company said graduates can help end food insecurity in Liberia by doing something as simple as “planting at least a seed every year. She admonished the graduates to be creative and make use of existing resources in order to contribute…

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MONROVIA – At long last, the Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) has announced its preparedness for the conduct of the General Assembly, after several months of postponement. Addressing a news conference Thursday December 6, 2018 in Monrovia, FLY president Augustine Tamba said the National Executive Committee and the Board of Advisors have resolved to conduct the General Assembly from December 13-15, 2018 in Bensonville City, Montserrado County. In demonstrating FLY preparedness for the General Assembly, President Tamba has named several persons to conduct the election for new leadership of the federation. Those appointed include Commissioner Darlington Cheeks, Chairman, Commissioner Decontee…

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MONROVIA – A promising Liberian investment Lawyer, Cllr. Mark M. M. Marvey, Author of the book, titled: “All Nations Are Equal at Least on Paper” has been invited to Washington D.C., United States of America (USA), to receive the prestigious Global Fair Trade and Anti-corruption Advocate Award and Ethical Leadership Medal of Honor. In a formal communication addressed to Cllr. Marvey, Dr. Ken Giami, Chairman/Chief Executive Officer (CEO), on behalf of the International advisory Board of African Leadership magazine, a publication of African Leadership (UK) Limited, disclosed that the ceremony coincides with this year African Anti-Corruption Forum and Excellence Awards…

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Marshall, Margibi County – In an effort to building a strong work environment, the Civil Service Agency of Liberia has opened a two-day orientation workshop for all Deputy and Assistant Ministers for Administration on the Performance Management System which facilitates the attainment of individual and corporate goals.Performance Management systems enable you to track and monitor the performance of individual employees and departments. Management Services Directorate of the Civil Service Agency has put enough time in setting up a strong and effective Performance Management System which is remarkably being rolled-out across the Ministries, Agencies and Commissions (MACs). Speaking at the opening…

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MONROVIA – Twenty-five local traditional zoes who participated in a day-long awareness session on ending female genital mutilation (FGM) in Liberia have highlighted the importance of involving local traditional authorities as the main drivers of efforts to end FGM. The zoes spoke Tuesday December 4, 2018 in Gbarnga, Bong County during a day-long awareness session on FGM organized by the NGO Women Solidarity Incorporated (WOSI) and funded by the European Union as part of its support toward the observance of the ’16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence.’ Also speaking, Mr. William Kollie, Head of the Traditional Council of Bong…

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