Author: admin

Monrovia – In continuation of the Partnership Against Inequalities and Discrimination PAID Project implementation,  YOCEL rolled out capacity building trainings in two out of three counties, (Margibi and Montserrado) to understand the attitude of communities towards children with special needs and document their experiences, through that the training will strengthen the capacity of local organizations and key stakeholders to have basis knowledge on key legal instruments and policies that protect and empower youth and children with special needs and enhance the knowledge of local organizations to create diversity and allow persons with disabilities to be integrate as part of the …

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MONROVIA – The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in collaboration with Conservation International (CI) is supporting the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Development Authority and the Environmental Protection Agency to promote conservation and sustainable livelihood activities.

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MONROVIA – Liberian Mental Health Service Users have returned to the country, following a weeklong Global Mental Health Campaign Planning Meeting in Johannesburg, South Africa. The meeting, which brought together mental health leaders and civil society actors from fourteen countries around the world, sought to build a common action plan for beneficiaries of mental health services, including service providing institutions to impress on Governments and the international community to increase funding support and human resources for mental health around the world.

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Dear Honorable Ladies & Gentlemen: Hon. Albert Chie President Pro Tempore and Senator Grand Kru County Liberian Senate Republic of Liberia Honorable Members of the Liberian Senate Capitol Building Monrovia, Liberia I. Summary of the Argument 1. Recently, your colleagues in the lower house, the House of Representatives, conducted a kangaroo proceeding in a reckless display of witch-hunt to impeach Justice Kabineh Mohammed Ja’neh from the Supreme Court of Liberia. Ja’neh was indeed impeached in a ‘show trial’ in which the outcome was already decided, meaning that the proceeding itself was merely carried out “for show” just to feign legitimacy.…

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The African continent in recent years has come to be major Geo-strategic importance to the oil-dependent industrialized economies and giving attention that Africa receives from state actors on the global stage in the context of international politics, the idea of an African rebirth seems to be finding more and more acceptance within the contemporary global politics. This is due to the continent cherished and rich oil and other riches but had this new love for Africa developed by Beijing and Washington nowadays produces any benefits for the continent’s larger impoverished inhabitants and eliminates the curse of rampant corruption and bad…

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