onrovia-The Vice President for Technical Affairs of the Liberia Athletic Federation (LAF), Frederick Bobby Krah, has disclosed that the federation has put together a five-year plan with an intention to implement.
By A. Macaulay Sombai, [email protected]
Mr. Krah, in an interview with FrontPageAfrica, said the LAF has already submitted its plan to the government and the federation stakeholders pending review.
“We want to focus on grassroots at which time we will have annual high school and college athletic championship, regular clubs’ championship and we will also like to diversify our athletics participation by going into counties within the country, which we did in Grand Cape Mount, Margibi, Bomi and Grand Bassa Counties. We also want to continue to expand our athletic program in the 15 political subdivisions because Montserrado is not the only county of Liberia.” Krah said.
He declared that within the five years, they will continue to have regular annual camps for their top athletes abroad in the United States of America to ensure that they train together for three months.
He added that the camp will include two relay teams at the world championship and the next Olympics to come.
“I think we know that athletic is an individual sports and relay is done by at least four persons, but you can register six, the reason is because if someone gets injured, you put in the fifth or the six person because you need four person to run so to run a relay we need 12 persons in total of four boys and four girls with two, two subs each.”Krah asserted.
The LAF Vice President said to master the crafts in relay, there must be a camp so the athletes can successfully demonstrate the changeover and master it.
He told our reporter that there are so many talented kids in counties and if the rightful training is given to them they can develop and bring pride to Liberia.