Monrovia – The Liberia National Olympic Committee (LNOC) has constituted a three-member committee to organize and conduct elections for a new corps of officers of the Liberia National Handball Association.
A release from the LNOC signed by its vice president, Mr. Malcolm W. Joseph, named the committee members as the President of the Liberia Athletics Federation, Mulbah Zaza, Chairman, President of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia, Roland Mulbah Co-Chairman and Caleb Dormah of the Liberia Special Olympics, Member.
According to LNOC VP for Technical Affairs, the committee has been given a mandate to organize and conduct the elections within three weeks as of April 17, 2019.
Mr. Joseph said the LNOC was asked by the International Handball Association to constitute and supervise the elections of a new corps of officers for the Liberia National Handball Association in the wake of a leadership crisis that has engulfed the association.
The Handball Association has been facing leadership crisis for over two years with one of the rival groups terming current president Mason Sarwolo’s leadership as “illegal” while another group continues to call for financial audit of the Association.
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Bottom of Form Members of the Liberia National Handball Association will vote to elect a President, Vice President for Administration, Vice President for Operations, Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General and Treasurer. The Zaza-led Elections Committee is expected to release the elections timetable and the list of eligible voters.