The Editor,
Varney Sherman, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and people like them are why our country is in such a bad shape. He can deny all he wants because he has gotten away with similar cronyism before.
President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said she wrote British Prime Minister David Cameron asking for his help in the investigation and prosecution of anyone who broke British and Liberian laws in the Sable Mining bribery scandal. INTERESTING!!
ELLEN should have taken it a step further if she is sincere by asking our Chief Patron and financial underwriter and security guarantor, the United States government to also help with the investigation and prosecution. We always ask America for almost everything, so why not in helping to uncover and prosecute the crooks who continue the milk our system?
We Liberians should set aside every February 27 as “Corruption Mourning Day.” For it was on February 27, 2015 that Ellen dropped the ball and forever lost the war on corruption in Liberia.
At her last visit to the White House with President Barrack Obama on February 27, 2015, the American leader offered Ellen and Liberia the best gift ever the United States could have given to Liberia: “just ask the United States to come to Liberia to help show you how to fight corruption,” President Obama told President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
Mr. Obama mentioned the word “corruption” twice” and narrated it’s corrosive, debilitating weakening effects on the overall health of a country’s institutions–executive, judiciary and Legislature.
And if President Sirleaf even mentioned the dreaded word, corruption just once, then I “bet my neck on the chopping block,” to quote Sirleaf when she defended a former crook Minister. Bring out the video and transcript of that White House meeting.
Corruption is the national cancer that is responsible for our predicament and why Liberia is Africa’s first failed experiment at genuine democracy since 1847 on the African continent. And Liberia is guilty of spreading this infectious disease to the rest of the continent.
And my plea and that of perhaps of every Liberian to President is to do to Liberia what President Ronald Reagan did to Panama: send US troops to Liberia to overthrow the darn corrupt regime and the Liberian people will forever be indebted to you. The United States has done so in many other countries–Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Libya and so why not Liberia which the U.S. has been babysitting for over 100 years?
We hope U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Linda Greenfield Thomas who has been dispatched to Liberia has taken with her a strong message that there will be consequences from Uncle Sam if all those involved in the Sable Mining bribery scandal are not speedily arrested and brought to justice.
The United States has spent billions of dollars on Liberia over the years and helped to end our war, but we still don’t have safe drinking water and electricity. Ebola has exposed our broken healthcare system not fit to even treat one’s dog. No wonder why Ellen has not stepped foot in any government funded hospital in Liberia to have her blood pressure checked since she took office in 2006. She runs to the United States each year for the best in healthcare paid for with our tax dollars.
What is Varney Sherman”s role in the distribution of Sable money that went to the UP convention ($200,000.00) which would violate the laws as foreign money funding a political party in Liberia? Did already salaried government officials get pay from Sable money to criminally change the already existing mining laws to favour Sable as the only company to mine Wologizi? God help Liberia! Let them come to America and try that.
Last time I checked since I have been here in America, several US Congress members went to jail, some still in jail including the 3rd highest ranking official, the powerful Speaker. On the State level, a powerful Speaker of the New York State Assembly is now in jail for corruption along with other state Senators.
This is the beauty of the American democratic experiment that has worked so well and has propelled America as the unquestioned leader of the free world. And even a former US President resigned, not for stealing money, but he lied to the American people. Why can’t we do the same in Liberia?
We Liberians don’t trust any Ellen controlled investigators and prosecutors. History is our best guide under Ellen. And if President Sirleaf knew, reviewed and “approved” the Sable-favoured illegal law for Wologizi, it would be in in itself a more dangerous and criminal act and is worth her impeachment, prosecution and jail when the investigation reveals, including all involved.
We ask and demand that President Obama and the US take over the darn corrupt Liberia, clean up the mess for two years and then hold true free and transparent elections. Free Liberia President Obama.
Jerry Wehtee Wion,
Washington, DC, USA