The Editor,
Defenseless under the shade of desertion and evil mindedness, indigents suffocate at the whip of the nation’s oldest referral hospital.
My heart bleeds in servitude and becomes completely restless after reading through a staggering revelation about the JFK Medical Hospital. This story which informs us about the many horrors at the hospital validates the act of inhumanity and impiety this government has thrust against the people of Liberia. I am stunned at how the nation’s biggest referral hospital has turned into a home of unexplained deaths due to poor health services.
This sad news ignites the consciousness of every Liberian concerning the peril confronting us. A country with less than 5 million people and plentiful natural resources cannot improve its only referral hospital in the most popular county? One can only become apprehensive at the insensitivity of our leaders. Many of whom unashamedly seek medical attention in neighboring countries.
Disappointingly, our government refuses to launch serious investigation into these matters but chooses to purport itself as doing well to offer basic services. It aggravates me when these thieves and morons spew ingratitude to the people of Liberia by deploying braggarts to defend their inactions.
They have assigned some group of homosexual breeds at various media institution cascading counterfeited arguments. It is not too a distance future when their ailing rectums will decay and expose their devilish practices.
Interestingly, I was astonished at the reaction of a law maker whose child died due to abandonment at the hospital. This honorable man threatened to file a lawsuit against the JFK medical center but ignored the fact that he forms part of creating a mourning center (JFK Hospital). Are we so self-centered and greed filled that budgetary appropriation is consigned to recurrent expenditure in contrast to funding health services? What has happened to over 150 million United States Dollars pumped by our international partners?
Liberians nowadays have become so very docile at the display of wickedness by the ruling establishment. Hopes are lost. People are now becoming weary of anything better from their leaders due to intrinsic failure to confront the many problems in the health sector.
Even common diseases which could be cured are now posing serious threat to ordinary Liberians. More besides, the case of the late Shaki Kamara (may his soul rest in peace) a juvenile of an impecunious family; sends a sharp signal to the world about the barbaric act of mistreatment at JKF memorial Hospital.
Undoubtedly, it is a fact of the highest magnitude that JFK Memorial Hospital is an established cemetery for the poor. Our beloved country is steeped in despair.
Gabriel Nyanti,
[email protected]