Concerns over Voters’ Roll Ahead of Liberia Elections
The Editor,
The Emancipation Movement of Liberia, Inc. (EMOL) says National Elections Commission (NEC) decision to allow non-listed individuals on the official voter’s roster to vote is a recipe for fraud, uncertainty, and the resurrection of conflict in Liberia.
EMOL is a registered non-profit United States and Liberia non-partisan peace building advocacy organization accredited by NEC to conduct voter’s education in the ensuring 2017 general and Presidential elections.
NEC reportedly announced it will allow non-listed individuals carrying voter’s registration cards to vote in the ensuing general Elections slated for October 10, 2017.
How does one get a registration card when his or her name is not on the official voter’s roister?
EMOL said if such situation derived from a logistical or any unseen errors, the Commission should announce a two-week ad-hoc registration process to correct the situation to prevent fraud and confusion in the electoral process.
By now, the NEC should have announced and published total number of nationwide eligible and registered voters and eligible and registered voters in each of the 73 electoral districts in the country.
EMOL said the last thing Liberians at home abroad need at this critical time in the country’s history is uncertainty and confusion arising from electoral fraud.
EMOL is therefore calling on all Liberians irrespective of one’s political affiliation or candidate of choice for the Presidency, legislature, and all other positions at stake in these elections to speak out against the cloud of uncertainty hanging over the 2017 general and Presidential elections by this decision.
Jarwinken Wiah, Executive Director, EMOL
[email protected]