The Editor,
President Sirleaf’s unrestricted powers and interference in her country’s judiciary system makes it difficult for law enforcement and the courts to carry out their duties in a neutral and independent way. And that is because Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is an imperial President. She is the juror, the prosecutor and the defense attorney in all corruption cases.
According to Voice of America (VOA) When Liberia’s Justice Minister, Christiana Tah resigned; she wrote a letter of resignation to the President of Liberia. In the letter, Minister Tah said she could not be the Minister of Justice of the country and not supervise the operations of the security agencies headed by one of the sons of the President.
The letter cited her lack of independence to investigate allegations of fraud against the National Security Agency. Minister Tah also said it had become “unbearable” for her to continue as minister amid “the President’s determination to systematically undermine and gut the portfolio of relevance and effectiveness.
In fact, on madam Sirleaf’s watch, corruption is rampant and capital flight is high beyond her control. As a consequence, inflation is high; prices of basic commodities are prohibitively expensive with corresponding decline in disposable income and falling standards of living. The Sirleaf administration has depleted the national treasury of Liberia to such an extent that there is closed to nothing left to protect.
But that is not all, President Sirleaf did not restrict corruption activities to just Liberia; she attempted to introduce it in a country called Malawi.
This revelation became true when the government of Malawi “only for the sake of diplomacy”, was obliged to deny reports quoting President Joyce Banda that she was advised by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia not to fight corruption in Malawi during an election year. But the public knew the truth because President Joyce Banda’s speech was record on radio Malawi. All of this happened during President Sirleaf’s three-day visit to Malawi in February 2014.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf swore an oath to faithfully execute the office of President of Liberia and, to protect and defend the State, the People and the resources. Evidently, she has failed; thereby bringing great harm upon the Liberian people and endangering the country’s National Security interests.
There have been consistent lapses, negligence, incompetence, mismanagement, corruption, and the misuse of state resources that have culminated in a crisis of abject poverty that now threatens the entire population.
In response to the reckless and ineffective leadership of the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf government, the People of Liberia must now exercise their rights as prescribed in Article I of their Constitution which states: The people [of Liberia] shall have the right to cause their public servants to leave office and to fill vacancies by regular elections and appointments.
Bernard Gbayee Goah,
[email protected]