Monrovia – Liberia’s Commerce Minister Amin Modad is hit with mounting public accusations for allegedly using funds from MedTech to purchase a luxury car. He has called for help from colleagues of the ruling Unity Party to come in his defense but the party says it has no intention to defend any of its public officials who are said to be caught up in corruption scandals.
By J.H. Webster Clayeh (0886729972)-[email protected]
A leaked conversation from a senior executive chatroom of the ruling Unity Party surfaced, revealing concerns raised by Minister Modad. In the exchange, Modad expresses frustration over the party’s slow response to defend him against mounting public accusations.
The conversation shows him pleading with party colleagues to stand by him during what he termed as his “difficult period”.
He expressed disappointment over what he perceives as the Unity Party’s lack of urgency in addressing the claims, conveying a need for solidarity as he faces heightened public scrutiny.
He said: “What’s very interesting is the fact that in times when some of us are in distress and need the party support, ‘The Party’ is not around. Even if some doubt our credibility, you expect the party that you bled for and comrades that you stood by to stand by you. Even if there were doubts and concerns, you would expect that the leadership and certain individuals would call to ascertain the facts in an attempt to defend and fight for one of their own. We might have some differences, but I have never failed to defend our own.”
However, addressing journalists on Tuesday at the Unity Party headquarters in Central Monrovia, the party’s chairman, Rev. Luther Tarpeh, said the “enjoyment time” for corrupt public officials is over.
According to Rev. Tarpeh, Liberians expect the Unity Party-led government to deliver, adding that they as party members will not sit allay and allow anyone to drag their party into the mud.
Said Tarpeh: “All our public officials, the honey mood time is over. You were placed to do the Liberian people’s job, so do it. If there is one thing that the Unity Party must fight, it is corruption. Corruption has taken food away from the table, corruption has deprived our people of good healthcare.”
He added: “President Boakai, the Unity Party Chairman and the leaders will stand with you. Anyone that gets into corruption, don’t think that we will protect you, no protection for you here, the only people we will protect are the Liberian people.”
All our public officials, the honey mood time is over. You were placed to do the Liberian people job. So do it. If there is one thing that Unity Party must fight, it is corruption. Corruption has taken food away from the table; corruption has deprived our people of good healthcare. President Boakai, the Unity Party Chairman and the leaders will stand with you. But anyone that gets into corruption, don’t think that we will protect you, no protection for you here. The only people we will protect are the Liberian people.
Rev Luther Tarpeh, Chairman Unity Party
He added: “Beginning now, going forward, this leadership of our party will be robust; we will be a watchdog in the public domain to make sure that what we promised the Liberian people will be done.”
Accusation Will Not Be Swept Under the Carpet
According to the Unity Party chairman, it will be a great disservice to partisans across the country if the party plays a blind eye on issues of corruption regarding public officials.
“I want to say here that the allegation against Minister Amid Modad about the MedTech sponsored luxury vehicle he claimed that was purchased by the LRA for the use of the Commerce Ministry is deeply concerning not only to partisans but Liberians who have been hoping that this government will lead our country into national transformation,” Rev. Tarpeh said.
He added: “While it is true that we do not question Minister Modad’s competence and ability to lead the sector that has been entrusted to him, the outcries on this issue cannot be swept under the carpet.”
Minister Modad Must Exonerate Himself
Minister Modad played a pivotal role after the Unity Party lost the general election in 2017, says the party Chairman Rev. Tarpeh.
Modad served as Chairman for two years before turning over to current party’s Chairman Rev. Tarpeh. According to Chairman Tarpeh, now that Liberians have given President Boakai a six-year mandate, the Unity Party-led government will not do business as usual.
“While the intent of this address to the public is not in any way trying to indict or to exonerate him of the cloud of reputation that is highly spoken in the public domain, we want to encourage Minister Modad to go above and beyond and provide substantive evident beyond responsible doubts that what is being floated in the public domain in recent days about the Medtech deal is far from his doing,” Rev. Tarpeh said.
He added: “This cloud of corruption over Minister Modad should not linger for a long time. I want to say as the national chairman let us give Minister Modad the benefit of doubt to exonerate himself. In this country, people indict you before you can even prove your case. I want to ask all partisans across the nation, home and abroad to allow Minister Modad to defend himself in the way he should. Minister Modad should go out there and clear his name, failure to do so will drag Unity Party in the mud,” Rev. Tarpeh said.
Also, the Chairman Rev. Tarpeh called on public officials to serve in the interest of the Liberian people and not in the interest of themselves.
“If you desire to live a luxurious life, go and start your own company because the Liberian people’s job is not for your personal luxury, “he said.
UP Wants President Boakai Expedite, Investigate and Act
President Boakai is out of the country attending the 79th United Nations General Assembly in the United States of America and will be arriving this week. Upon his return, the party’s chairman is requesting that President Boakai establish an investigation into the alleged corruption saga involving Commerce Minister Modad and act on its findings.
“The Unity Party wants to ask Liberians home and abroad to remain calm on this alleged corruption saga. I am optimistic that upon the return of our President to the country, he will expedite and look into the allegation and take necessary action that will prove to the Liberian people that Boakai is not a baby,” Rev. Tarpeh said.
He added: “Going forward, President Boakai, after a process of investigation, any of our Minister caught in an act of corruption must be jailed, the person must be prosecuted, his property must be ceased and that is how the Liberian people will know that we are putting to death this menace called corruption.”