Monrovia – The West African Examination Council Liberia office has officially released the 2016/2017 National Exams result with candidate Marklyn Wingbah of the Calvary Mission located in Montserrado County as the best performing candidate with an overall aggregate of 715.70
Out of the total of 31,009 candidates representing 99.35% that sat the exams, the result shows that about 17,981 candidates amounting to 57.99% passed the exams while about 12,138 amounting to 39.14% were unsuccessful.
According to the Head of National Office Dale Gbotoe, the result this year is better than previous exams.
Mr. Gbotoe told newsman that five hundred and five four (554) Schools comprising one hundred and eight (108) students passed the exams as Montserrado and Grand Bassa County topped the list.
In a further statistics sixteen (16) candidates accumulated division two position with five from St.Teresa Convent Catholic School and four (4) from St. Peter’s Clever High School in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County respectively.
Releasing the result at WAEC Liberia head office in Congo Town the new WAEC boss commended the proctors, officials and workers of the Council including the Ministry of Education for making the exams successful.
The result is released just a day after the planned sixty days schedule, something Mr. Gbotoe noted is a plus for the Council.
Out of the sixteen division two candidates only one Student (Viola Onumah) came from a Government run institution, that’s’ the William V.S. Tubman High School.
Dale said Male candidates who passed the Exams amount to 9,691 and 8,274 females respectively.
On the other hand South Eastern Counties according to the result decimally performed in the 2016/2017 Exams with Grand Kru County the less unperformed County as only two (2) out of seventy-one (71) candidates passed the exams.
Some of the Schools who had all candidates passing the Exams are:
The St. Teresa Convent, St.Peter’s Claver High School, Diana E. Davies, Kalita High School, Muslim Congress High School, Wesleyah Academy, Don Bosco Technical High School and New Era International School.
Others are: Charity Community School, William Booth High School, Carr’s High School among others.
In the junior High division 39,906 candidates sit the exams out of that number 25,008 candidates amounting to 63.8% passed the exams while about 14,174 amounting to 36.16% were unsuccessful.
Candidate Master Darius Nyuntee Gbaa of the St. Peter Claver High School top in the junior high division with a total aggregate of 322.91.
The exam was administered across two hundred and eleven centers (211) with all Counties feeding candidates.
Meanwhile the exams is the last to be administered as 2018 will see 12thgraders writing the international exams called WASSCE across the Country says Mr. Gbotoe.
Report by Julius Konton