ON SATURDAY, JULY 6, 2024, the Government of Liberia unveiled the first consignment of 285 earth-moving machines and trucks to the public. The ceremony, held at the National Port Authority (NPA) compound, was led by the Minister of State Without Portfolio, Mamaka Bility.
MINISTER BILITY DISCLOSED that the first batch of the machines and trucks will be taken to the Barclay Training Center to make way for the remaining equipment yet to arrive. She stated that the 285 units will be distributed, 19 per county, which could significantly benefit the Liberian people.
HOWEVER, MINISTER BILITY has been vague about the source of the equipment, failing to clarify whether they were purchased by the Government of Liberia using state resources or provided by a friendly country or institution.
“THE PURPOSE OF this equipment is to bring the president’s vision of low-cost modern equipment for road maintenance to life. For those of us over 40 years old, you might remember there used to be modern equipment at the Ministry of Public Works yard,” she said.
WHILE THE NEW equipment could greatly enhance road reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in the country, it is crucial to disclose the source of funding. Transparency and public disclosure are not just obligations of the government but the rights of the people.
THE FREEDOM OF Information (FOI) Act of Liberia, signed into law on September 16, 2010, grants all persons the right to access public information. The Government of Liberia must respect this law by fully disclosing the source of the equipment.
AS A GOVERNMENT THAT claims to champion transparency and accountability, it must act promptly in disclosing the source of the equipment. This will allow the Liberian public to understand who is contributing to this significant initiative.
ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL of the equipment without stating the source suggests secrecy, which contradicts the government’s promise to fight corruption and ensure transparency in the public sector. It is suspicious for the government to wait for public backlash before disclosing the source, which raises concerns about potential hidden motives.
THE ACQUISITION OF 285 units of equipment is a substantial matter that the Liberian people should not accept without knowing its source. The right to know should not be tested by the current government. There is no room for shady deals, as the Liberian people have long suffered from the effects of corruption.
A GOVERNMENT THAT promises to rescue its people must operate transparently and uphold the confidence entrusted to it by the Liberian people. All transactions should be conducted with transparency and accountability, ensuring the public is always informed about the government’s activities and operations.
THE LIBERIAN PEOPLE still remember the failed EBOMAF and Elton loan deals, which raised hopes for massive development but ultimately collapsed. The new government must learn from past mistakes and conduct its operations openly. The people’s eagerness for development and relief from bad roads should not be exploited.
THE SOURCE OF the equipment must be disclosed so that the Liberian people can decide whether to accept a gift, loan, or donation. No one accepts something without knowing its source, and this is precisely what the government is doing to the Liberian people.
THERE SHOULD BE no ‘good’ in secrecy, as the Liberian people have the right to know about their government’s operations.