Washington, DC – Saints Friskies Alumni Association (SFAA), the organization that represents graduates of St. Patrick’s High School (SPHS) and St. Teresa’s Convent (STC), is making headway with the ambitious agenda that the new leadership set since taking office in May 2017.
Earlier this year, SFAA established a program for alumni and supporters of the organization to provide financial assistance to students attending STC.
The program, called Alumni-To-Student Sponsorship Program (A2S), pairs alumni with students for assistance with tuition and supplies.
On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, Saints Friskies Alumni Association remitted $13,252.46 to St. Teresa’s Convent (STC), as payment for tuition and supplies for 43 students benefiting from the A2S program.
This is the first of many payments designed to benefit the students of STC.
The payment was made possible by the generous donations of alumni and supporters who committed to sponsoring the students for Academic Year September 2017 – June 2018.
The organization is currently recruiting sponsors for more students for this academic year, and is already lining up sponsors for Academic Year September 2018 – June 2019.
When we first talked to the National President of SFAA, Stephen Koffa, shortly after his election in May 2017, he noted that the organization would engage in an evaluation of STC to determine the greatest needs of the school, prioritizing the needs of the students.
“We set out first to determine how we can best assist the school generate much needed revenue to fund operation of the school,” said Mr. Koffa.
“During our needs-assessment exercise, we found that many deserving students were undergoing financial hardship that made it difficult to pay tuition and purchase supplies for the school year.”
“Our A2S program directly addresses this problem.”
“The program relies on the generosity of alumni, family and friends who are responding to a charitable cause, and we are very grateful to them, “ Mr. Koffa added.
Mr. Koffa informed us that this program is the first major accomplishment of many programs on their agenda.
They intend to launch a food and nutrition initiative at the school and find ways to assist with teachers’ compensation and training.
Mr. Koffa also noted that the re-opening of St. Patrick’s High School is the most challenging goal on their agenda, and they intend to make as aggressive an effort in 2018.
For more information on how you can help Saints Friskies Alumni Association with its student sponsorship program, you can visit website