Kakata – The Women and Children Protection section (WCPS) of the Liberia National Police (LNP) in Kakata, Margibi County has charged several persons with the crime of interference with Child custody, Endangering Child Welfare and Kidnapping.
Those charged by the police are Hannah Peterson age 28, accomplices Annie Peterson, George Fayiah, Abraham Marcus and Meitta Telkoubellah.
They were charged with the above mentioned crime for the mysterious disappearance of a two year girl in the Konola Community along the Weala High Way, Margibi County.
The Liberia News Agency quoting a copy of the Police Charge sheet, said on Thursday, November 3, 2016 Complainant Catherine Marcus went at the Weala police station and reported that her 2 year old grandmother Catherine (Robertlyn) went missing on Wednesday, November 2, at about 2: 00 PM and has since not been seen.
The grandmother of the two year old missing explained that she and four others women, Annie Peterson, Oretha Morris, Martha Marcus, along with Robert Peterson were harvesting rice on defendant Meitta Telkoubellah’s farm.
She further explained that by 4:00PM of November 2, 2016, Madam Telkoubellah went to them on the farm and told them that little Carthine commonly known as (Robertyln) was missing.
Witness Annie Paper, Oretha Morris, Martha Marcus,Yassah Richards and Robert Peterson narrated that at about date and time mentioned they were informed by the defendant that she could not see little Catherine among the other children .
Juvenile Faith Fayiah, age 10, told police investigators that the 2 years old victim left with in the custody of the father George Fayiah under the farm kitchen before she went missing.
Defendant Annie Peterson, George Fayiah, Abraham Marcus and Meitta Talkoubellah were arrested and brought at the Kakata Police Station for further questioning by the Women and Children Protection Section.
During Police investigation, defendant Abraham Marcus admitted taken the victim (Catherine) to his wife Catherine Marcus on Hannah Peterson‘s Farm because the child was crying and he told her grandmother and he was going to Jeineta on a funeral.
Defendant Hannah Peterson told police investigators that the victim was entrusted in his custody to take cares of her, she bath the child took off the child clothes and slippers, before the child went missing.
However, the suspects have been charged and forwarded to the 13th Judicial Circuit Court for trial.