Author: Rodney Sieh

Monrovia – The Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas, whose pastoral and administrative jurisdiction cover the five counties of the southeast of Liberia, has expressed grave concerns about the incident of intimidation and threats of violence by some residents of Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County against a political grouping of Liberians exercising its constitutional rights to free movement and peaceful assembly, which occurred on July 30, 2020. In a statement issued in Monrovia Friday, the Cape Palmas Diocese described the attacks as a gross violation of the fundamental rights to free movement and peaceful assembly goes against the principle of political tolerance…

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Monrovia – Mr. Alexander Cummings, leader of the Collaboration of Political Parties(CPP) and head of the Alternative National Congress is accusing the leadership of Grand Gedeh County for an attack early Thursday when aggrieved supporters of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) staged a protest in the county, demanding the unconditional and immediate departure from the county of Montserrado County Representative Yekeh Korlubah(ANC, District No. 10).

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Monrovia – Senator Abraham Darius Dillon(Liberty Party, Montserrado County) took the whip to the Capitol Wednesday for his much-anticipated meeting with the Inter-Religious Council of Liberia, days after the council, through its President, Bishop Kortu K. Brown, announced the setting up of an inquiry committee to invite the Senate for a discussion seeking clarity on his recent comments it says, appear threatening to the country’s peace, stability and democratic process. Senator Dillon, appearing on the 50-50 Talk Show on 107.1 Sky FM last week cautioned that President George Weah’s tenure would end abruptly should the ruling party attempt tampering with…

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Obediah Johnson, [email protected] Bo Waterside – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Government of Liberia through the National Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Commission has officially launched the installation of modernized foot operated hand washing station at border points, vowing to ensure compulsory compliance to hand hygiene practices at public places across the country.

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Monrovia – Firestone Liberia Inc., an indirect subsidiary of Bridgestone Americas Inc., the world’s single largest contiguous natural rubber producing operation and one of the few remaining concessionaires operating in Liberia, has expressed disappointment with recent statements from a number of Liberian officials regarding the company’s plans to reduce its workforce in Liberia due to severe business climate.

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Monrovia – Tuesday’s standoff between Rep. Yekeh Korlubah(ANC, District No. 10, Montserrado County) and Col. Marvin Sackor, Deputy Inspector General of Police for Operation, has been in the making for quite some time. A FrontPageAfrica investigation has found that in June 2018 when Mr. Oliver Dillon, an Inspector at the Ministry of Transport attempted to impound the vehicles assigned to Rep. Kolubah and Rep. Francis Dopoh (UP, District No. 3, River Gee) after a routine traffic stop for using old license plates, the Plenary of the lower House, the highest decision making body of the House of Representatives, summoned Mr. Dillon…

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Monrovia –  Last weekend’s return of Agnes-Reeves Taylor, ex-wife of former Liberian President Charles Taylor is ruffling feathers within the former president’s National Patriotic Party, with a feuding faction, led by Rep. James Biney, already trumpeting her as “The real mother” of the NPFL, in silent jabs at former First Lady Jewel Howard-Taylor, the current vice President, and head of the NPP.

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